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it was few weeks into summer and i had already changed a lot,i was more arrogant and bitchy and i had worse of a temper,i had also became very flirty and playful,it was fun toying with boys and seeing their reaction when they realise.my appearance also looks different,i still have blonde hair but i chopped it to my shoulders,im a little bit taller and i wear minimal makeup as i don't need much,from the start of summer til now i've spent a lot of time with sirius,we've painted,cooked,baked done a lot of things together,it's been fun so far.

the malfoys arrive at the manor today,i'm sitting in my room reading a book about occlumency and legillimency as i took it upon myself to do both,my mother shouts me down "y/n!come downstairs!".

i roll my eyes and walk downstairs "what?" i say, "did you forget?the malfoys are arriving now" "your actually joking me,dracos an ungrateful piece of shit!" "y/n don't be so nasty,there here now,play nice please" i roll my eyes at her comment and she opens the door, i smile at narcissa "y/n,sweet girl,your hair looks gorgeous!" "thank you".they walk in and i just go up to my room.

i finish my book on occlumency and legillimency,i hear a knock at my door "what!" i jump up and storm to my door,i open the door "if it isn't draco malfoy" "it's been a while y/n,couldn't go too long without seeing you" i roll my eyes and open the door letting him in. "so what brings you to my room?" "i thought maybe we could catch up,i mean you never told me sirius black was here" draco says,i glare at him rudely "stop talking about him,i don't need to tell you shit",i get defensive when someone speaks about sirius "i see you've changed a bit,appearance wise too" draco says trying to change the subject "i have is that a problem?"
"no,all i'm saying is your different" draco says,i just look at him and nod with a cold expression.

we sit in silence for a few minutes then i remember about my legillimency and occulemncy,i sit up "can i try legillimency on you?" "i forgot about our little race but yeah" he says,i pull a seat over infront of me and pat it invitingly and he sits down,i grab his hands and try legillimency which is seeing and hearing people's thoughts and memories ,i cast the spell and it works the first try,i flick through his memories and go back to when he was younger,i see a memory of him when he was flying his broom,it looks like it was his first time learning to fly,narcissa and Lucius watch him,smiling as he starts flying.i skip to another and see a memory of him playing hide and seek with his dad,he hides in that cupboard for a few hours ,his dad forgot about him,i quickly skip through a few more and then i suddenly hear his thoughts saying this really hurts i hear it and leave his head.

i open my eyes and check to see if he's alright,i don't ask though i just look and make sure he's okay which he is "i won the race" i say standing up and walking over to my desk "yeah,yeah you did" he gives me a confused look "what?,are you jealous i learnt how to do it before you?" i say this in a sarcastic and playful tone,i walk over to him and put my hand on his shoulder and look at him innocently sticking out my bottom lip "why would i be jealous?"
"maybe because i've managed to do things twice before you with no effort or "complications,what can i say im quite intelligent" "i'm not jealous" he scoffs and moves my hand from his shoulder,i walk back over to my bed and sit.

"why are you still in here,you have your own room?" i ask "i don't know,i just like your room it's...comforting" "yeah cause im in it obviously" i wink at him and he rolls his eyes.i stand up and go to my library and draco doesn't follow,i grab a book and sit down on my sofa and read it.eventually i get bored of the book and walk over and put it back,i remember i wanted to do something i start looking through the shelves and feel someone behind me,i grin as i was counting on it.

"go away" i spit at him, "your up late,arent you spending time with sirius tomorrow?" "aren't you doing- whatever i don't really care" "yes but i have to study,it's a big year this year" "studying in the summer? merlin you really must have a sad life" "i don't but anyways why are you up so late?" he asks "looking for something",i decide to start playing one of my games that i've gotten really good at "a secret"i wink at him,he takes a step closer "a secret,care to share?" "no" i say with a cold glare,he steps closer to me trying to intimidate me but y/n thornefield doesn't get intimidated,i step closer to him "i'm sorry mr malfoy,but i can't tell you my secret" i can tell by the look on his face he's getting irritated but finds it interesting,i take another step and he starts looking nervous.

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