sorting ceremony

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As i'm getting off the train i spot Draco, i have no choice but to ask him about it "Draco!",he turns around and looks at me.He waits for me to catch up with him "what is it?" he mumbles.

"i just met Harry Potter and his friends,they didn't ask me for my name they already knew it" "that's strange"
"i know, i'm not famous or anything so i don't know how they know me,anyways i just wanted to tell you in case you knew anything" i say
"well i don't"
"yeah i figured so fucktard" i shoot him a glare
"what did you just say?" he says as getting closer to me thinking it's intimidating
i roll my eyes and laugh "very funny Draco your not scary,and you heard what i said"
i walk away and find Harry,Ron and Hermione and catch up with them.

"what house do you think you guys will be in" Hermione mumbles
"i think i'll be in Slytherin,my parents were" i say,Ron shoots me a look and whispers something to harry about there's not one Slytherin who hasn't turned out bad,
"i heard that and that's not true,say it again and i'm gonna punch you!" i shout angrily,Ron looks at me,he looks scared?

professor Mcgonagall arrives in front of us telling us the houses and things and then i walk in to the great hall,it looks so cosy and peaceful.i stand a crowd with everyone else "when i call
your name please come up to and sit on the chair" "Hermione granger" i was assuming Hermione would be in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor "Gryffindor" the hat shouts and she walks away to her a table "Draco Malfoy" i was praying he got into another house and not Slytherin he would actually get killed,the hat doesn't even get fully placed on his head and the hat shouts "Slytherin!" Ron gets put into Gryffindor and so does harry then i hear my name and walk up and sit in the seat "ah yes very interesting,maybe you should be in Hufflepuff,no i think Ravenclaw, no actually Gryffindor" " what is the hat doing headmaster" professor Mcgonagall asks Dumbledore "i don't know just let it do what it has to do, it's fascinating" he replies then i hear the hat shout "Slytherin!"

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