house cup

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i wake up in the hospital wing with harry,i jump up and shake him awake "Harry we did it!" "no way" "yes way!" as i hug him Dumbledore walks in.
"good morning miss thornefield and mr potter, i see you two have made quite the history"
"indeed sir,is Hermione and Ron alright?" i say
"perfectly fine,what you did miss thornefield was really brave,standing in front of that mirror and collecting the stone"
"i know but i couldn't have done it without harry,where has the stone went?"
"well me and sir nicholas flemell have made an agreement for now also harry i would also like to praise you for being brave and helping miss thornefield"
"it was not a problem sir"

house cup
i arrive in the great hall and see pansy,daphne and Astoria waiting on me, "we are so glad your okay y/n,what you did was so cool" says Astoria "i even heard you called professor quirrell a pedo!" says pansy "yeah might've done that, listen il be back soon i have to speak to harry" i say and walk towards harry and hug him "this was a great adventure and there will be many more to come!" "of course there will be my partner in crime" harry says. i turn to Hermione and Ron and hug them then walk back to my table and sit next to pansy.

Dumbledore starts with " in 4th place is Ravenclaw,3rd place Hufflepuff,2nd place Gryffindor and first place Slytherin!" i shout yay excitedly "i actually have some points to give out firstly 10 points to Hermione granger for outstanding knowledge,10 points to Ron Weasley for the best game of wizard chess the school has seen for years,50 points to harry potter for bravery and being a good friend and lastly 60 points to y/n thornefield for being brave and having outstanding courage!" Dumbledore says. pansy,daphne and astoria hug me "so i believe there are some decoration changes in order" Dumbledore shouts the great hall turns green and red as we tied with Gryffindor.

i'm on the train to go home now and i can't for my mothers reaction to know what i've done.i walk along to harry Ron and hermiones carriage and hug them goodbye before going back to my own,the train stops, we get off and me Astoria pansy and daphne all have a group hug "promise we will all write letters to each other?" daphne say "obviously" i reply before walking towards my parents and hugging them.

the end of year 1

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