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it's time to go home for Christmas break and my mum sends me a letter

dear y/n
we cannot come and get you,Draco will come with you and bring you home.
when you get home there will be a few surprises waiting for you
i love you and can't wait to see you
lots of love
mum x

i get excited for my surprise and start jumping around i stop when i think about how Malfoy has to take me with him,i fall onto my bed and huff before getting back up and packing.once i've packed i walk into the common room and see Malfoy and his friends and my friends at other sides,i can't decide where to go first,i make my decision and walk towards the girls.
"bye guys i'll miss you guys,also wait for my present on Christmas,il have my owl bring them"i say
"wait for ours too!" pansy says and i hug them all goodbye then i feel a presence behind me
"you ready to go y/n?" Malfoy asks
"i guess so"i reply, i drop my luggage at his feet and walk away
"y/n,i'm not carrying your luggage,your perfectly capable of doing it yourself"
"fine then i just won't come and my mother will wonder where i am as you were to bring me with you"
he picks up the luggage rolling his eyes and we start walking
"sorry,i have more people i need to say goodbye to" i say walking over to harry,Hermione and Ron,i hug harry and just give him my present,i got him the newest broom.
"thank you y/n!,i also got you something" he hands me a ring with a gorgeous white stone
"harry it's gorgeous!" i thank him and give Hermione and Ron their presents,i get Hermione a necklace with a ruby stone, she gives me a small crystal bracelet and i give Ron 3 vials of liquid luck and he gives me a bag of chocolate i thank and hug them before going over to Cedric.

"hello" i say,he flips around and hugs me "hi" he replies "i'm giving you your present now because my owl most likely won't get it to you on time,he's flying all over the place"i laugh,i hand him my gift,it was a suit and a gift basket filled with chocolate
"thank you y/n" he says before kissing me,i smile,he hands me my present,it's muggle books,children's books .i fake smile trying not to look ungrateful,kiss him goodbye and walk back over to Malfoy.

"what's wrong y/n?your face is tripping you" Malfoy asks
"do you think it's ungrateful if i don't like a gift,i bought Cedric a beautiful suit and a basket filled with sweets and he gave me muggle books,there children's books,look"i show him the books and he laughs
"you should should have listened to me" i roll my eyes at his comment and we head towards the train station,i have to sit with Malfoy,even if i sat away from him he would still follow me.
we arrive in London and he grabs my hand and takes me through the crowds into a dark area,he puts his arms around me and we twist and turn,eventually we arrive at the manor
"what the fuck,when did you learn to apparate?" i ask
"couple of weeks ago why?,you jealous?" he says nudging me,i turn around and face him
"i bet you i will be able to apparate by the end of Christmas break"
"your getting ahead of yourself,it took me months"
"that's just because your thick in the head,i'm surprised you have a brain"
Malfoy drops my luggage at the door and i notice he wears a few rings on his hands,they suit him, feenky comes along and takes my luggage and i quickly walk upstairs with her
"master says you shouldn't be in the room until you speak to him"
"okay we'll il give you these quickly then,merry Christmas" i hand feenky her massive bag of sweets and i see her face light up,i crouch down and hug her
"thank you miss y/n" i smile and walk away from her heading downstairs to find my parents.

"ah y/n,i was beginning to think Draco left you"my father says
"he would do no such thing now,would you Draco?" i realise it's the first time i've called him Draco to him,he grins and winks at me
"your right,i would do no such thing" i roll my eyes turning to my dad
"father,may i please go upstairs to my room now?please"
"speak to your mother first then you may go open your gifts"
"okay!" i say jumping around excitedly and running to the office where i know she'll be
"hi mum" i say
"oh y/n" she comes and hugs me and squeezes me
"i've missed you so much" she whispers
"i've missed you more"
"okay so the Christmas party is on Christmas eve,we also have to go out to get presents for you and Draco,have you gotten a gift for Draco?"
"no mother,i will get one whilst we are out"
"okay dear,have you opened your gifts?"
"we will go after you open your gifts,just come find me when your done"
"okay" i walk away from her and head up to my room

i walk up to my bedroom and open the door and see three gifts lying on my bed, i grab the biggest one first and open it,there's a gorgeous red dress that's sleeveless,i scream grabbing it and running around the room hugging it and someone ruins my fun and barges in
"merlin y/n i thought something happened to you!"Malfoy says
"well i'm fine if you'd please get out" i say hiding the dress behind my back
"what is behind you?"
"it's a dress,you'll just have to wait to see it!now get out!" i shout and he starts backing out the door closing it,i hear footsteps walk away and i take the dress from behind my back and hanging it up in my wardrobe,i move onto the next gift and it's a long box,i open it and see a gorgeous diamond tennis bracelet,i scream again and jump around
"y/n seriously stop screaming,your scaring me!" Malfoy say's barging in
"i'm sorry i just love gifts" he walks out and i place the bracelet on my desk i turn around and scream.

Sirius black is standing in my room,staring at me,he puts his hand over my mouth and drags me into the bathroom and locks it i hear my door open and someone walk in

"y/n are you alright?" Malfoy says
"yeah the water was cold that's all"
"alright"he laughs then walks out
"Sirius why are you here? i have so many questions"
"well y/n ask them" Sirius replies
"also there was no need to cover my mouth,i wasn't gonna say anything but anyways did you kill the potters?are you trying to kill harry?what have you got to do with me?"
"first of all,i didn't kill the potters that was peter pettigrew,he sold them to voldemort and blamed me,second of all no i'm not trying to kill harry i'm his godfather,that dimwit Ron's rat is peter,lastly there was rumour when your mother was pregnant,i was your father because me and her used to be best friends,she was like my favourite person in the world and then i got sent to Azkaban"
"holy shit no way,but why are you here"
"i was hoping to speak to your mother"
"i don't know if my father will let-"
"i'm sorry y/n but i have to speak to her"
"Sirius please,she's really stressed right now,she's planning a big Christmas party,come back after please"
"okay fine,don't mention this conversation to her"
"i won't bye Sirius" i say,Sirius pulls me into a hug
"bye kid,you have no idea how long i waited to see you" i smile and wave as he disappears.

i open the last box after he leaves and there's a small pair of earrings,i lie on my bed a stare at the ceiling thinking about what's just happened when someone opens the door
"y/n i told you to come find me once you were ready!"
"sorry mother,i just need to get changed il be down in a second"
she walks out and closes the door and i change into a pair of leggings,a gorgeous white knitted jumper,i brush my hair and put a white headband on,put my boots on and grab my coat and scarf.
"y/n, you ready to go dear?" my mother asks
"it will just be you and me"she smiles
"so Draco's not coming?"
"no dear come on" she grabs my hand and walks me to the gate
"mother how do you apparate?"
"it's easy,just think,destination and determination,you try it,il meet you outside honeydukes okay?" i nod and she twists and turns away
i think of my destination and how determined i am to get to it,i close my eyes and feel myself spin and see honeydukes and my mother in front of me
"y/n you did it!I'm so proud of you" she hugs me
i didn't even need the full Christmas holidays to do it,i managed to do it first try and on the first day back,he must really be a fucktard.mum and me go from shop to shop and collect gifts for everyone,including malfoy, we then head home and prepare for the party tomorrow.

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