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i get into my manor and my mum immediately start's bombarding me with questions "why were you with harry potter though i thought you didn't like him?" "when i actually met him he was really nice"
"really what's he like" i couldn't be bothered with my mother fangirling over my friend even though she doesn't like him so i just reply he's very brave
"and i hear you got Slytherin 70 points for your courage and bravery?"
"yes mother"
"you know when i first met harry he already knew my name he told me everyone already knew who i was, strange isn't it?"
she gives my father a confused look and says "yes very strange" then changes the subject
"i'm so glad your safe,i'm so proud of you!" she squeezes me tightly
"this summer the Malfoy's will be staying here instead of us going to theirs"
i was glad about this, i didn't have to feel forced to speak to Malfoy  because il be in my room the full summer learning new spells for second year
"i also made other friends pansy Parkinson,Astoria and daphne greengrass there in Slytherin too,do you mind if they come and visit at some point this summer?"
"of course not dear i'm glad you have some friends in Slytherin too"

i run upstairs to unpack and write a letter to my friends i start of with Astoria, daphne and pansy

dear Astoria,pansy and daphne
i'm too lazy to write three different letters so you will all be getting the same ones
i told my mother i am friends with you guys and asked if you can come visit this summer and she said yes!
but beware the Malfoys are staying here all summer,but it's okay we don't need to speak to them
reply with a date and time use agree on and i will let my mother know
love y/n x

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