the philosophers stone

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i hear a noise behind me and turn around no one is there i turn back around and see Hermione,Harry and Ron standing in front of me "merlin's beard you scared the shit out of me!" i shout "shush y/n we have to do something,are you coming?" Harry says "duh,let's go then"

they fill me in on how they think snape is after a stone called the philosophers stone and how he was using spells against harry on the quidditch pitch "do you really think it's snape?" i whisper "yeah who else could it be?"Hermione whispers back "i don't know i just feel like it's professor quirrell,he's always looking at you harry it's really weird" i say "i don't think it's him" Harry replies "if you say so"

we arrive at a door i immediately recognise "this is the 3rd floor corridor!were not allowed in here,this is gonna be so much fun!" i say excitedly.we open the door and i see a three headed dog but harry Hermione and Ron have already filled me in on it so i'm not scared just fascinated.we find a door underneath the sleeping dog "i'm guessing that harp keeps that dog asleep" i say, harry nods his head and we open the door that's on the floor,i realise the harp stopped playing music and i look up and scream,the dogs up!i grab Hermione and harry as they were next to me and harry grabs Ron we fall down into devils snare.

"Everyone relax!!" Hermione squeaks struggling to get out, i listen to her because she actually listens in classes unlike the rest of us,we fall out into a room and Ron being the absolute idiot that he doesn't listen so we have to save the room there is a ton of keys and only one will open the door,harry insists i do it.i hop on the broom and catch the key,put it in the door and unlock it the next room is a game of wizard chess.

i don't have a clue how wizard chess works so i just listen to Ron who seems like he knows what to do,he ends up injured and Hermione has to stay with him whilst me and harry head to the last room.

we walk in and i see the mirror of erised and a man i know and recognise. "Harry what did i tell you i knew it!" "your quite the smart thing aren't you y/n?i thought no one suspected me"
"just shut up already,what do you want from harry you pedophile!" "y/n!" harry says looking at me "y/n if your so brave why don't you go up to the mirror and tell me what you see?" i hear it from a voice that was neither quirrell or harry's,quirrell takes his head scarf of and i see this ugly freak baby thing, i look at harry in disgust "what the fuck is that?"

i look at harry again shrug my shoulders and walk towards the mirror "what do you see y/n?" the ugly thing says " i see myself speaking to my parents,there praising me and telling me their proud of me" i lie i could actually see a red stone getting put into my robes pocket, i pat my pocket .it's there."lia-" "bombarda" i shout hitting quirrell then running towards harry where a big circle of flames surrounds us.i punch quirrell in the face and kick him in the stomach while harry shouts spells at him,harry pushes quirrell back and he gets burned by harry's touch "harry do it again for longer!" i scream he does it again and quirrell burns into nothing.harry looks weak but y/n thornefield doesn't do weak, i start running whilst grabbing harry dragging him away from the circle of fire and making sure they both get out alive.

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