the time turner

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she pulls the necklace out and wraps it around mine,harry's and her neck
"ron i'm sorry you can't come,your injured"hermione says
"hermione,what are you doing?"harry asks
"just shut up" i say
hermione twists the necklace 3 times forward and we end up at the hospital wing earlier in the day,hermione runs to where i punched malfoy and we see it all
"hermione how are we here" harry asks
"a time turner" i say and wink at hermione "i've known your little secret for months"
"yeah,mcgonagall gave it to me in first year,come on we have no time to waste"
we run down to hagrids hut and wait behind the pumpkins,we see the minister,dumbledore and the executioner walking down
"why arent we leaving?!" hermione says,she picks up a stone and throws it in the window and another at harry's head,that makes sense now
"that hurt by the way" harry says
we see us run out the door and we run behind the tree,hermione sees us and i push them into the tree,"she says i could swore,never mind"then they all leave,we wait and then set buckbeak free,we then follow our future selves
"there's professor snape"hermione says,we run near the wimping willow and wait until we see us coming out,we see professor lupin turn into a werewolf and hermione makes a howling noise,that also makes sense now too
"what are you doing?" harry asks
"saving our lives" hermione says,we start running and lupin catches up to us,buckbeak appears and saves us and lupin runs away,we then run to the spot where Sirius me and harry see the dementors.

"you guys are dying"hermione says
"they'll come,whoever saved us will come" harry tries to cast the spell but it doesn't work,i step forward and shout "expecto patronum!" a beam of light appears with a panther and clears away the dementors and they take sirius with him,we go find buckbeak and ride him to azkaban,we arrive at a cell that says sirius black,i shout "bombarda" and sirius walks out
"who knew you guys would come save me!"sirius says
"hurry" i say and we jump back on buckbeak and drop sirius off,he has a talk with me and harry
"y/n and harry,we'll meet again soon i promise" he winks at me knowing il see him a lot sooner than harry and hermione stand in a small circle and hermione wraps the necklace around us and flips it forward 3 times,we arrive outside the doors of the hospital wing and open them
"what- you guys were just there,i was talking to you!"
"what are you on about ron,right y/n?"
"that's ridiculous ron!you can't be two places at once" i laugh and so does harry and hermione.

i walk back to my dorm room in a good mood,i saved sirius and buckbeak!i walk through the common room and see malfoy
"i've been waiting for you,where have you been?"
"saving people,as usual,listen i don't want you speaking to me if it's annoying your skank,that reminds me i have to see cedric tomorrow i haven't seen him in ages"
"y/n she doesn't matter to me,you do.i made a promise to protect you and nothing and no one will get in my way"
"sure thing, don't think were getting on anymore by the way,why would you say i kissed you knowing it's a lie?"
"i don't know,it just came sorry,that slap hurt by the way"
"i hope it did"
"who were you saving anyways?"
"Sirius black and buckbeak,thanks to you i had to save two instead of one"
"well couldn't have you blackmailing me anymore,i could rat you in anytime for your boyfriend" i stand up and put myself in his face,we're only 1cm apart
"you will do no such thing now will you malfoy"
"oh so we're back on last name base's now?"
"yeah,we're no longer acquaintances thanks to you" i say stepping back from him and walking up to my dorm
"goodnight y/n" malfoy says,i don't reply, i shower get changed and get a good nights sleep.

i wake up to pansy,astoria and daphne asking about my holiday and what happened last night and we talk about it and walk down into the great hall,i walk over to harry and hug him
"i'm glad your okay,what would i do without my partner in crime?"
"probably be dead"harry replies
"yeah probably, ron how's your leg?"
"a lot better now actually,hey look behind you"
i turn around and see cedric,i wrap my arms around him excitedly and kiss him
"i missed you" i say
"i missed you more"he kisses me again
"get a room you two" ron says
"shut up" i reply
me and cedric walk away and go on a walk.
after the walk i go up to my dorm and notice a letter

dear y/n
sirius tells me you've known he was here a while ago,i'm not mad it's just hilarious.
he also tells me you broke him out of azkaban,no surprise there
i miss you my love
lots of love
mum x

i laugh then head to class

it's been a couple of months since and everything at school has been fine,i promised pansy i would study with her and blaise so i make my way to the library and find them
"fancy seeing you two here then eh?"
"haha very funny y/n" blaise says
"okay we'll should we start or?"
"we're waiting on someone" blaise says
malfoy walks in and i roll my eyes
"just what i needed" i say making a noticeable fake smile
"just can't stay away from me for too long can you?"
"i'm gonna rip your guys out i swear!"
"you have such a short temper y/n"
"i would rather have a short temper than say "my father will hear about this"anytime anything happens to me"
"your such a fucking bitch"
"yeah,yeah heard it all before"
i stare at him and scowl
"you guys fight like a married couple" pansy says
"don't ever say that again,i would rather kill myself than get married to that fucktard"
"it goes both ways also stop calling me fucktard"
"god how do you live with yourself,your so annoying"
"shut up!"
"guys stop can we actually study,i thought you needed help?"blaise says
"i don't i caught up ages ago,i'm just her to accompany pansy"
"yeah i'm doing fine too just came here to accompany you"malfoy says
"malfoy your doing shit in potions snape literally told me you were failing all your tests"
i think and my eyes glow up
"aha,i have something to blackmail you back on,i'll tell your dad your failing all your classes if you tell on me"
"your such a fucking bitch y/n"
"atleast were even now"
i stop arguing with malfoy and let them study then go back to my dorm

it's been a few weeks now and it's time to go home,i get off the train and hug harry hermione,ron,astoria,daphne,cedric and pansy goodbye, i go to the same corner malfoy took me too at christmas break i look around and see malfoy standing in front of me
"why hello there"he says
"shut up"
he tries to apparate but it doesn't work
"what's wrong,am i too distracting?"
"no just shut up i'm trying to focus" he tries again and it doesn't work,i grab his arms and apparate,we arrive in front of my manor and he walks ahead
"not even a thank you?"
"nope,bitches don't deserve manners"
i roll my eyes and walk into the manor and hug my mum.

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