christmas party

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it's the next day and it's the Christmas party,i walk downstairs into the kitchen to make pancakes,i grab the things i need out the cupboard,walk over to the radio and press it,it's playing my favourite song,i start dancing around the kitchen,spinning and twirling.i jump up onto the island and start dancing flipping the pancake around,i hear a laugh behind me.i twirl around and see Malfoy,i freeze and hop off the counter,put the pancakes onto a plate and grab malfoys hand.i start dancing with him and twirling him around,we start giggling and the music changes, i grab my pancakes and walk up the stairs completely ignoring what's just happened.

it's 5pm and feenky brings me dinner,i eat it and start getting ready.i quickly go in a shower then do the nicest makeup i've ever done and curl my hair beautifully,i put my red dress on and stare at myself in the mirror
"y/n you're gorgeous,come on all the guests are arriving"my mother says
i smile and start putting my black heels on and walk down the stairs,everyone is staring at me in utter silence,i reach the bottom of the stairs and walk over to my dad and everyone starts talking again
"why was everyone just staring at me?" i ask
"because you look gorgeous y/n" my dad replies
i walk over to a waiter holding glasses of champagne and drink it in one gulp,i grab another and walk back over to my dad,he holds his arm out and i loop my arm around his.he takes me over to people and introduces me to them,i've had about 5 champagnes at this point and i'm starting to feel it,i turn around and see Malfoy,i smile
"ah theres my ride or die!!!" i say running up to him and hugging him
"y/n are you...drunk?" he asks
"what me?no never" he laughs at my reply and holds his arm out just like my father leading me to his parents
"hi y/n you look absolutely gorgeous my dear" narcissa says hugging me
"thank you cissa,you look stunning"
"thank you sweetheart,now i would like a picture of you two sitting on the couch together please"
i walk over towards the couch and sit,Malfoy sits next to me. i smile for the picture not noticing Malfoy looking at me,i turn to him and see him looking at me and i burst out laughing as does he.i stand up from the couch and grab more champagne and drink it again in one gulp then grab another,i feel a hand grab mine and i look up and it's my dad he leads me to the dance floor as it's a slow song,i dance slowly with him without a word as i'm really drunk now,i feel someone tap my fathers shoulder and ask "may i?" "yes of course" i look up and it's none other than Malfoy. he wraps his hands around my waist and i wrap mines around his neck and i move to the rhythm of his feet,i lay my head on his chest for a few minutes,then my scar starts hurting,i groan trying to ignore it but it starts getting worse,i grab it and Malfoy takes a few steps back to look at me,he grabs my hand and takes me up to my room.i drop to the floor and start seeing blue wisps coming out of my hands,i look at them and start hitting them off the floor,Malfoy grabs my wrists trying to get me to stop,he wraps his arms around me and i start sobbing still holding my chest as it's still hurting
"please make it stop,i can't breathe,please" i say still sobbing
"i don't know what to do y/n!"
"please i'm begging you,do something"
"do you need me to get your mum-"
"no you can't,she doesn't know the scar hurts me" i take a deep breathe and remember what i can do if i just focus,i imagine me getting up and touching up my make up like nothing happened,i open my eyes and that's exactly what i'm doing,i look behind me in the mirror and see Malfoy staring at me astonished
"what the fuck y/n,you were just on the floor sobbing in pain,and you just get up and act like nothing happened?!"
"it's something i have to do,i'll explain it to you at a better time,all you need to know is if i just focus and imagine,i can do anything" i walk out of the room and back down to the party
"where have you been y/n?i was starting to get worried!" my mother says
"i just felt sick,that's all"i reply,Malfoy grabs my hand and we make our way back over to the dance floor for the last dance,everyone is dancing slowly,i lay my head back on his chest and we dance,the party ends and i make my way up to my room.

i'm lying on my bed when i hear a knock on my door
"come in" Malfoy walks in and sits on my bed,i sit up next to him,he hands me a box
"merry Christmas y/n" he stands up and i grab his wrist "Draco wait,thank you for helping me earlier and thank you for this"
"its okay,now open it" he says,i smile and open the box,it's a beautiful necklace with 4 small emerald stones and big one in the middle,i start jumping around squealing,i run into my bathroom "thank you Draco,thank you!!!!" i take the necklace out the box and try putting it on,Draco appears behind me,he takes the necklaces out of my hands,i lift my hair up and he puts the necklace on me i turn around and jump into his arms.
"I'm afraid you've gone soft on me y/n"
"i would never,i'm just very excited".

i wake up the next day realising what i've done,i literally have a boyfriend and i'm jumping into his arms and lying my head on his chest,i jump up realising it's Christmas.i quickly check the time it's 7:27 and run to my parents room to wake them up.i start jumping on the bed like a child and they wake up.
"what time is it?"my mother asks
"half 7" i reply
"okay we will be down in a minute"
i run out the room and into Draco's,i didn't care what happened last night i had to get everyone up to open presents,i open his door and charge at him,i stand up off him and start jumping on the bed
"y/n what are you doing?"
"it's Christmas come on get up!" i say as trying to drag him out of bed
"i'm up!merlin i'm up now stop!" i giggle at his angry reaction and grab his hand and drag him downstairs,i see hundreds of presents sitting waiting for me.i run around excitedly and wait for my mother
"you're such a child y/n" Draco says
"id rather be a child then a pussy,oh and guess what 2 days ago i learned to apparate,first day of Christmas break,if you don't believe me you can ask my mother"
"no way it took me months"
"that's because your a fucktard" i say,my mother and father walk down and so does narcissa and Lucius,i start bursting through presents and opening them all,i got a lot of new heels,a lot of new dresses,a lot of new books,a lot of new jewellery,clothes etc,i jump up and hug my mum and dad
"thank you!"
"we love you,now head upstairs feenky will bring your new things up and breakfast "my father says,i smile and walk away from them back up to my i finish sending my presents to my friend's i notice Draco's present still on my desk,i must've forgotten to give him it,i knock Draco's door and walk in,i see him lying on his bed and hand him the box and lie down next to him
"i'm sorry about last night,i was such a wreck and i don't know why i was acting like that with you,i mean i literally have a boyfriend-"
"and i have a girlfriend" i shoot up and stare at him
"What!,why didn't you say anything,who is it???"
"she's a Slytherin her names celeste caddol,she's gorgeous" he opens the box i gave him and there's ring inside,it's silver with cool snake designs on it
"i got you one with snakes because of the basilisk and your in slytherin,i also heard your practising occulemency,let's make it a race then shall we?"
i run out the room and into the library,i put my hands out imagining the books i need swinging into my hands,i open my eyes and see four books i take a step to the left and i see Draco standing there astonished
"Draco i told you last night,if i focus and imagine,i can do anything"
"didn't think you were being serious,when did you decide to start calling me Draco?"
"today" i walk by him and run back to my room and begin reading.

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