Chapter 1 : A New Beginning

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Waking up to the sound of the rain falling against the window, It was the beginning of January and well in the UK the weather is not as warm, I opened my eyes slowly as I sat up and rubbed my eyes, I leaned over to my bedside table and grabbed my phone it was currently 9:30 AM curse you weather for waking up this early, I groaned and fell back on to the pillow and pulled the covers over my head, but no matter how hard I try to go back to sleep the rain just keeps getting heavier. After about 5 minutes I decided to get up, I climbed out of bed and grabbed my dressing gown, I put my phone in to my dressing gown pocket and walked downstairs to see it completely deserted I guess Hunter is still in bed.

I grabbed the kettle and poured fresh water in as I was going to make myself a cup coffee, as the kettle was boiling I went on to my phone just to check twitter and all I could see on my news feed was #NEMILY I let out a sigh as I clicked on the hashtag to see Nate posted  picture with Emily with the caption "Love of my life" my heart sank I thought I was the love of his life..I guess that escalated quickly I clicked of twitter and put it back in my dressing gown pocket, The water finally boiled I poured a few spoonful of coffee in to my cup and poured the hot water in as well as the milk afterwards, I walked over and sat down on the sofa, I just couldn't believe he tweeted that it kind of shocked me but then I was expecting it but I just didn't want to believe it.

"Morning early bird" Hunter laughed as he walked in to the living room, "Hello earth to Riley" He laughed again as he waved his hand in front of my face  "Do you mind" I snapped as I pushed his hand away "Wow someone got up from the wrong side of the bed this morning" he said as he brushed his hand through his hair, I stood up "Well wouldn't you be if you found out your ex was dating your enemy the one who tried splitting you up" I snapped as I pushed past him to put my cup in the sink. "Is this about Nate again" he asked "Well noo its about Harry Styles.. of course its about Nate who else would it be" I said sarcastically, I walked away and started to walk upstairs "Do you want to talk about it?" Hunter shouted "No!" I shouted back as I shut the door, I ran to my bed and dived in to it and screamed in to my pillow a few times as tears streamed down my face.

I sat up and brought my legs up to my chest, why cant he see that I still love him..was it that hard to see when I said good bye to him at the airport? I still love him and I thought there could of been a chance..but now I have lost it because he is with her the one who wanted to ruin everything and I let her win..I just wish I fought for him. As I was getting lost in my thoughts I heard my door knock I sighed "Come in", Hunter walked in with the house phone in his hand and sat down the bed "Look you will never get anywere if you don't ring him and tell him how you truly feel", I looked at him and sighed "Hunter I wish I could but he seems so happy with her and I don't want to ruin it for him".

"But Riley he might feel the same towards you still you never know unless you try" he said has he handed me the phone "But the caption on twitter he put "Love of my life" I said as I took the phone of him "Riley that is just a caption on twitter doesn't mean it could be true" he said letting out a sly smirk because he thought he was right "So go on and ring him" he smiled, I bit my lip as I took a second to dial his number, It rang a few seconds until it answered 

Phone Call: Between Nate and Riley

Nate: Hello?

Nate:Hello? whose this ?

Nate: Anyone there?

 my heart froze and I just didn't know what to and I just let him kept asking who it is, I ended the call "I can't do it" I said as I passed the phone back to him "Riley all you had to say was Hi" He laughed "Well I would like to see you try and talk to an ex you still have feelings for" I smiled sarcastically "True..well anyway I best get ready for work" he groaned "Have fun" I smiled, He stood up and stuck his middle finger up at me, I opened my mouth and pretended to be shocked "I will catch you later Riley" he smiled as left the room, I flung my self back on my bed..thinking why couldn't just spoke to him? Was it really that hard to speak to him he was my ex and my best friend but I guess things could change,I felt like my heart was in my mouth I wanted to talk but every time I tried to words wouldn't come out.

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