Chapter 16 : Back to LA- Part 1

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Riley's POV

Nate has been acting so strange he came over last night, we hugged things out and put our differences a side, he didn't take it well that Brad could be the dad at first but when I told him that he has more of a chance he was alright with it, he stayed over the night but he was quiet, the next morning he woke up pretty early and that is definitely not like Nate, I'm the one that usually wakes up before him, but nope he woke up before me, Lately things between us have been a bit crazy, Emily has been contacting him and well me and Brad have had a few moments and when I say a few moments I mean just kissing nothing else..

"Why are you up so early?" I groaned

I looked at him still half asleep, I sat up in bed and looked at my suitcase..I didn't finish packing and aren't I going to have fun today.

"I need to be somewere..go back to sleep babe" he smiled before placing a kiss on my head, He stood up from the bed and left the room leaving me with a puzzled face. I moved my head towards the suitcase I groaned and flung my self back on to the pillow and pulled the quilt over my head, I was packing to go back to LA for a while..I just wanted to feel like home again..and lately I'm not getting that. After about 5 minutes I got a text of Brad.

Message from Brad:

Hey Ri.. I'm in the super you want anything? x

I smiled at the phone like an idiot, Even though we had an argument last night due to the fact he didn't want me going to LA..even though he was going to be joining us as The vamps are going to america to tour.

Message to Brad:

Um..You could get me some more strawberries please  I will pay you back :D x

I rolled out of bed and put my dressing gown on, I walked downstairs to make a coffee because I need coffee to wake up, After the water boiled I poured the water in to the cup, I walked up stairs and placed my cup on the bedside table as I sat down next to my suitcase and carried on packing,baring in mind it is early in the morning but it needs to be done. As I was singing to myself while packing my phone was ringing and the caller ID showed up as Drew, I looked confused to as why he was ringing me this early.

Phone call with Drew:

R: Hey Drew whats up?

D: Riley you need to come to the hospital now...It's Tia

R: Whats happened?! Is she okay?!

D: No..she did something last night and its all my fault..

R: And you didn't bother to ring me then! 

D: Riley I tried but my phone died..I just came home to get changed..Im going back there now..

R: Okay..give me an hour and I will be there

D: Okay see you soon Ri.

I ended the call pretty quickly and rushed to my closet and picked out some leggings and a jumper on and converses  I left my hair in a side pony and didn't bother putting make up on, I ran out the door and bumped in to Brad.

"Were you going this early?" He laughed

I looked at him trying not to cry.. "It's Tia...she ended up in hospital"

I felt Brad pull me in to a hug, I started to cry in to his chest.

"Do you want me to come with you to the hospital?" He asked me as we pulled away

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