Chapter 5 : London Part 2

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Riley's POV 

I woke up to an empty bed, I wonder were Nate got to..We had a little fight last night, he said that Emily admitted to everything but how do I know that for sure..Tara and Levi came in the room last night to see what was happening, Tara and Levi also said that Emily admitted it..half of me wanted to believe Nate but the rest of me I couldn't because with the amount of times he has hurt me..I wish I could forgive and forget but I just can''s not that easy. I sat up in bed and climbed out and made my way in to were Levi and Tara were staying, I knocked first because who knows what they would be up to.

"Tara are you in?" I shouted as I knocked on to the door

"Yeah I am and you don't have to knock were not doing anything and besides Levi isn't here" she shouted and laughed at the same time.

I walked in to see Tara sat on the bed looking down at her phone.

"Were is Levi?" I asked her as I walked over and sat on the bed next to her, she looked up from her phone and placed at the side of her.

"They gone to do some recording, why are you missing Nate" she smiled and winked at the same just the typical Tara she is,I just laughed and rolled my eyes

"No..I just wondered were everyone was" I stuttered as I tried to find my words

"Yeah Yeah Riley whatever you say" she laughed as she playfully pushed me "What are you doing today?" she asked me

I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know yet I was thinking why don't we meet Tia today? It's been a long while since we all met up" I suggested

"Sounds like a plan, I will meet you at Nate's room in about an hour" Tara laughed, "Okay" I laughed back as I stood up and walked out the room and back in to Nate's I saw Taylor and Lily speaking out Taylor's and Drew's room, I walked over to them "Hey guys whats up" I smiled  

"Nothing..Lily is just telling me something.. are you and Nate okay now?" she asked me

"I don't know..Last night he said that Emily admitted to everything and even Tara and Levi said so" I sighed looking down

"Riley..I don't want you to get angry or mad or anything but he is telling you the truth I was there with Drew...she literally admitted to it all" Taylor said 

I still didn't know what to that Taylor has told me I start to feel that it is true...but then I feel guilty because I was pretty much a bitch last night to Nate.

"Oh..." I said as I looked down "Anyway and Tara are of to meet Tia do you two want to come?" I asked as I looked back up

"Yeah sure" Taylor and Lily both said at the same time, we agreed to meet at mine in a hour, I left them to get back to what they were talking about, I got changed, did my make up and hair and within that time, I heard a knock at my door.

"It's me" Tara shouted as she banged on the door

"Come in" I yelled as I did he last finishing touches to my hair, I only threw on some jeans and a jumper and some converses.

"You all ready to go?" she smiled

"Yeah " I smiled as I grabbed my handbag and my phone, I left my sleep gear bag here because I thought it would be the perfect excuse to come back and talk to him..I really needed to know what was happening.

We both walked out to see Taylor and Lily walked our direction, we met half way we decided to meet Tia at Starbucks because why not that is our usual meet up place, I ordered a cotton candy frappe yeah I found out the proper name for it but I would like to still call it the pink one.

We saw Tia sitting at the table sipping her drink I have no idea what it is called..I think its just a regular coffee, Tara ordered the same as me and Lily and Taylor ordered the Shamrock flavored  one. We all started to walk towards Tia.

"Hey" I smiled as I sat down opposite her, Tara set next to me and Taylor sat next next to Tia and then Lily between Tia and Taylor.

"Hey" she smiled "How have you been" she quickly said after

"I have been great thanks what about you?" I smiled

"Yeah everything is going great, you should come round again in fact all of you should...and come and meet Joe and Casper" she laughed I knew what she was talking about, Joe and Casper they like to pull jokes on everybody it doesn't matter who you are they will pull a prank on you.

"That sounds pretty good actually" Tara smiled

"Any way how are the couples doing" she asked everyone apart from me.. she doesn't know that me and Brad are well an item..

"Me and Austin are good thanks" Lily smiled as she answered Tia's question

"That's good what about you Tara? hows you and Levi?" 

"We are stronger than ever" she laughed

But when Tia got to Taylor it fell to silence and the conversation changed quickly by Tara's phone playing loud.

"It's Levi calling I need to take this" she smiled as she stood up and took the call, A few minutes later she returned. "The boys will be joining us there on a break and Levi asked us were we are so I told him"

"That's cool" I laughed, through out the time until the boys got here we just walked about the memories of what we had when me and Tia lived in LA. I do miss that place and I wish I could go back and start it all over again..but I keep telling myself things wont be the same.

The boys soon arrived, Levi came up behind Tara, as did Austin with Lily, Drew walked up to Taylor and planted a soft kiss on her lips as he looked up at Tia, I saw Nate stand alone, As Levi took a seat and sat next to Tara, and Drew and did the same, next to Taylor and Lily, I pulled out a seat and put it next to me and smiled at Nate signalling him to come over and sit next to me.

I only did 1000 words tonight I am super tired, super worried and tonight has been shit as so today has been, I walked in to work thinking I was in but wasnt and then this guy I was friends with has totally made me feel like shit so yeah here you go  :)  comment vote and share thankyouu

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