Chapter 17: Back to LA: Part 2

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The Next Day

Riley's POV

I woke up to my alarm going of it was like 6 AM, I was at home, I couldn't believe what I saw on twitter about Nate and Emily..Nate doesn't know I know about it..he did ring me last night asking if I was alright and I just lied...I was at Brads but Nate didn't know. I dragged my self out the bed and got changed In to some leggings and t shirt, I was meeting Tara,Taylor,Drew,Levi,Nate, Tia, Austin at the airport along with Brad,James,Tristan and Connor. I put my hair in a messy bun and kept my make up to a minimum, Tia got discharged from the hospital in the late hours last night. I manged to get ready I dragged my suitcase downstairs until I heard my phone rang in my pocket I pulled out my phone and the caller ID showed up Brad, my heart started racing..I accepted the call.

Phone call with Brad

R: Heey Brad whats up?

B: Hey..nothing I just wanted to see if you were okay...and well whats going on between us...are we you know together?

R: I'm fine just tired I couldn't sleep much last night,and I think so..if you want to be..

B: Of course I want us to be together babe..last night really meant something to me. But when are we going to tell Nate?

R: It meant something to me too...and soon I just think we should keep us you know a secret for now..I just don't want arguments...

B: Oh right..I understand..Right I will see you at the airport babe 

R: See you there

I ended the call and put my phone back in to my pocket,I walked out the door and hopped in to the taxi that was already waiting for me, about an hour later I arrived at the airport were everyone was waiting for me, I hopped out the taxi and went in the boot and pulled my suitcase out, I was soon attacked with hugs by Tara,Taylor,Abby,Grace and Kirstie. After all of us girls were having hug moments we pulled away and headed back to the boys,Tara ran and jumped on Levi's back nearly making him fall over,which made me laugh to be honest, and then Abby went over squeezing Tristan with a hug, and Grace did the same to Connor,as Kirstie did to James. Taylor stood next to Austin talking, Taylor, Drew and Tia they barley spoke. I walked over and stood next to Abby and Tristan and joined there conversation until I felt arms wrapped around my waist, I turned around to see Nate I turned around and gave him a hug even though I didn't really want to..As I hugged Nate I saw Brad look at us he seemed a bit hurt so I pulled away as I turned my head slightly I saw Emily.

"What is she doing here?" I asked

Nate looked at me and took my hands "Riley I need to tell you something...Emily is coming with us because..because she is having my baby..And I need to support she is coming with us"

I moved my hands away and shook my head "sure that's fine..." 

"Riley...please" Nate sighed

I looked at him and faked a smile "No it's fine..."

We all headed on to the plane, Abby sat with Tristan,Tara sat with Levi,Taylor sat with Austin,Tia sat with Drew,Grace sat with Connor,Kirstie sat with James, I went and sat next to Nate, as Emily sat on her own as so did Brad. About 5 minutes later the plane started to take off. I pulled my phone out and plugged my headphones in  and started to listen to music,until my phone vibrated I looked at the message it was from Brad.

Message from Brad

I miss you :(  xx

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