Chapter 11: Kidnapped

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Riley's POV

Me and Nate have been searching the whole street of London  and we still didn't find Tara I was getting super worried I tried texting her, calling her but there is literally no answer..This was all Levi's fault if only he could just support her and be there for her instead of yelling..just typical boys isn't it.

"Look Ri..I'm sure Tara will come back..can we please go back to the hotel?" Nate whined

I turned to look at him I was quiet pissed on how he gave up on looking for Tara so easily "Well you can go back..but I'm still looking for my bestfriend" I snapped

"I'm not letting you walk around the streets of London..not at this time Riley"

"Well I don't really care" I shrugged as I kept on walking, it was getting pretty late and I was getting tired and I was hoping that Tara would come back, me and Nate headed back to the hotel to find Austin,Taylor,Levi and Drew, Taylor was talking to Austin, Drew was smiling in to his phone and well Levi was just sitting there staring at his phone, when he saw me and Nate walked in he stood up and approached us.

"Riley..Have you found her" he asked with a worried look on his face.

"Do you really think we found her?! If we did wouldn't she be walking in the door with us?! and finally why on earth are you speaking to me after the way you talked to me?!" I shouted

"Riley...come on go easy on Levi it is his girlfriend" Nate said as he gave me one of his looks.

I turned to look at him "Really your going to take his side after the way he spoke to me?! because of him Tara ran of because of he was acting a dick!" I yelled

"I'm not taking his side I'm just saying" He sighed

"Whatever.." I mumbled before walking towards the door.

"Riley..were are you going?" Nate shouted after me

"I'm going to Brads..why you got a problem with that" I shouted back as I carried on walking. I felt a raindrop fall on me.

"Really Riley? your going back to him because I told you to go easy on one of my bestfriends?" 

I stopped and turned around there was a few meters of space between us,I started to walk up to him.

"No Nate.. it's Levi's fault that Tara ran of because he wasn't being supportive that's why and he spoke to me like utter shit and your just letting him.." I sighed

I felt his arms wrap around my waist as he pulled me closer I looked in his eyes and moved his arms away "Nate I can't do this.. just stop please.." I said as I looked down.

"Stop what? I thought we were back on..I thought you was going to finish with Brad.."

I looked down "I just need time and right now I am more worried about Tara than choosing who to be with.." I sighed as I started to walk away. But it was true..I was worried more about Tara she is my bestfriend and knowing that she is out there not knowing were she is..I am worried....

I walked home to see Hunter playing on his XBOX with Brad which was quiet a surprise because I wasn't expecting to see Brad there when I walked in he looked a bit pissed at me, I leaned against the door frame not saying anything.

"How come your home at this time?" Hunter asked me as he looked at his phone confused

"Tara's gone missing...and I have been trying to look for her.." I sighed as I looked down

"You still could of called me or Brad..we were getting worried about you especially Brad because you been avoiding him for days" Hunter said getting really annoyed

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