Chapter 46 : Who did it?

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James's POV

Riley was taking forever I started to wonder were she got to, I saw blue lights flashing outside I looked through the curtain to see an ambulance, I went outside to check to see what the whole fuss was about, people were saying a young girl got knocked over, I tried looking but I couldn't get a a good look because this paramedic was in the way, after he moved the girl who was Laying on the road was Riley.

"Riley?!" I shouted as I ran towards her, "do you know this young girl?" The male paramedic asked me I looked at him nodded "she's my girlfriend she's carrying my baby.... Is she going to be Alright"

"I'm pretty sure she will be she's unconscious at the moment so probably a few broken bones and we will need to book her in for a scan" he said as he wheeled Riley in the ambulance.

A few hours later

"What happened?" Riley asked as she sat up I took hold of her hand "you got hit by a car..again"

She looked at me confused "James it's not my fault I'm getting hit by cars I do know road safety you know" she sighed moving her hand away

"I didn't say that I'm just saying you need to be more careful" I said placing a kiss on her head.

"Riley Marie Brooke?" A nurse came in we actually looked quiet hot, I didn't notice I was biting my lip until Riley nudged me.

"I came to say that your lucky enough your baby is okay but if there is any complications please come back" she said giving me a little smirk before leaving.

I turned back to Riley who didn't have a good look on her face "what?" I asked

"You know what James,eyeing up that nurse"

"I wasn't eyeing her up I was just.."

"Just what James?" She asked bluntly

"Stop acting like a bitch Riley... I wasn't eyeing her up why would I when I'm with you?"

"I know I'm sorry"she sighed looking down.

The next day

Riley's POV

I finally arrived back home I had a few broken bones but I was fine and the baby was which was all good.

"So I was thinking today we could go to the gym" James smiled

I looked up at him as I was tucking in eating some ice cream

"Don't give me that look Riley ever since you fell pregnant all you been eating is junk food"

"I so don't eat junk food all the time and I have made plans actually"

"What are you eating now?" He smirked

"Ice cream.... But it's not all the time" I laughed

"Anyway what plans you got today?" He asked walking up to me

"I'm going to see Abby" I grinned

A few hours later

"I can't believe he said I eat junk food, I don't eat junk food that was the first time I are ice cream in forever" I said walking up and down

"His only thinking about you Ri" tristan said

"Noo tris he wants me to eat healthy since when do I do healthy"

"Ri tris has a point... Maybe he wants you to have a healthy lifestyl" Abby said clearly agreeing with him

I sat down "I know but....I don't want to... Like it's my life I can do what I want"

"Guys, Brad and con are coming over" Tristan said quietly

"Oh great now brads coming, what is he gonna do have another go at me" I said sarcastically

5 minutes later Brad an Connor arrived the look on Brads face all I can say is if only looks could kill.

"Yeah got a problem" I spat

"Are you seriously talking to me? Riley your the one who fucking cheated on me with my bestfriend then I find out your carrying his baby?!"

"Yeah well maybe I had reasons maybe because James understand me"

"Then why did you marry me then?"

"I actually don't know I ask my self that" I laughed

I felt Abby grab me "c'mon Ri that's enough leave the boys to it"

Abby took me in the kitchen "who does he think he is?!" I yelled

"Riley calm down,I'm gonna get James to pick you up"

"Why? I'm fine" I sighed

"Riley your stressed plus James is bound to be coming over there talking about tour"

"Great" sighed

She was right James did come over I was still in the kitchen with Abby talking.

"What's this you having a go at Brad?" James asked he sat at the table

"Don't want to tAlk about it" I replied

"Well I do what was it about?"

"Stop acting like your the boss of me it's doing my heading" I said standing up

"Riley all I'm asking is why did you have a go?"

"Yeah and my answer to your question is I don't want to talk about"

"Riley, you should tell James what it was about " Abby said

"Fine you want to know fine il tell you because he basically calling me slag because I cheated on him"

"Is that it? Riley you need to let it go, if you want us all to be civil"

"James is right Ri" Abby said agreeing

"We're going to go in there and your goin to apologise to Brad an were all gonna watch a film "

"That's a gold idea James il go and tell the others and invite them round" Abby smiled leaving me alone with James

"What Re we gonna do with you!" He smiled walking up to me wrapping his arms tight around me

"Do we really have to do this" I whined looking up at him

"Yes we do it's the only way to sort this out Riley" he said placing a kiss on my lips

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