Chapter 41 : 2 months later

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Riley's POV

"Riley you look absolutely stunning!" Tia cried out with happiness. I looked at Tia with a smile forming on my face "Thankyou" I replied. It was the day I was finally getting married to Brad I never thought I would ever see my self ever getting married, Holly is now walking and saying a few words and life couldn't be better, I could feel butterflies in my stomach I was so nervous, so much has happened this month, Abby found out Tristan was cheating on this girl called Anastasia which causes tension between the group and then she found out she was pregnant with twins! Yes I know twins!.

James split up with Kirstie and I don't really talk to him much, I try to avoid him and as for Tia and Drew there still going strong and are living in South California, and as for Tara and Levi I don't know I guess we just grew apart.

Everything can change so much in just 2 months, I guess we sometimes don't notice it, this would have to be the first time the group has finally been together since 2 month ago.

"Are you ready to go Ri?" Hunter asked me as I turned away from Tia "I guess this is it" I squealed excitedly. We all made our way to the car I could feel the nerves getting to me right now.

When we all got out the car Nate and Tristan and James was stood outside, I slowly climbed out the car with everyone getting out after me, James, Tristan and Nate went back inside the church, I known Hunter for ages and I asked him to give me away and as for Tara,Taylor,Tia and Abby they were my brides maids and there I was walking down the aisle to see Brad standing there my heart beating a dozen I couldn't believe that this day was happening.

30 minutes later

30 minutes later everyone was at the party how ever I really didn't fancy partying in my wedding dress but Brad wanted me to keep it on, everyone was having fun and it felt like old times, I was sat talking to Tara it kinda felt awkward because we had a huge argument over something silly.

"so how's you and Levi" I asked as I took a sip of my Cola

"Yeah were okay thanks" she replied back quietly

I didn't know what to say much after that "you know I think us girls, should go to Starbucks like the good old times" I laughed

"Yeah we should" he laughed back but our conversation soon got interrupted by Brad sitting next to me.

"Ill just leave you to it" she sighed as she stood and leaving the table.

I felt guilty I didn't want her to feel like she had to leave because Brad came over.

"So how's my beautiful wife" Brad grinned as he snaked his arms around my waist squeezing me. "I'm fine" I laughed

"So do I get a dance" he smirked as he pulled his arms away standing up and holding his hand out

"I guess you can get a dance" I smiled we both made our way to the dance floor just as when a slow song came on, everyone was dancing with there partners except Nate,Hunter,Taylor and Austin.

*2 weeks later*

"Why did we have to come back" I groaned as I fell on the bed "we had to come back sometime babe" brad laughed as he started to unpack his suitcase

"I know but I was having so much fun" I sighed as I sat up. "So was I but we had to come back" he smiled.

"What time does Holly come back from my mums" brad asked with a smirk on his face "not until an hour or so why?" I asked

"Well I was thinking maybe we could use that hour time for some Riley and Brad time" he smirked as he winked

For some reason I wasn't really in the mood for it lately not since before the honeymoon and we never even did it on our honey moon.

"I'm not the mood Brad I just want to eat and watch TV" I sighed "what come on Ri we never have time anymore when Holly is around, please" he poured as he say on the bed next to me as he started kissing my neck as I flicked from channel to channel.

"Put the remote down babe" he said in to my neck while giving me kisses. "Brad stop" I giggled as I pulled away

"Fine"brad sighed I could see he was pissed of but I couldn't help it by not being in the mood.

"Your never in the mood Riley" he sighed  "well I'm sorry if I'm not in the mood, haven't you forgot I did lose our baby!" I snapped

"Riley I know but you need to stop hanging on to it, it hurts me and it hurts me seeing you like this" he said quietly as he pulled me in to a hug "I know but I just want to stop for a while until I'm ready"

Brads POV
Riley was downstairs making a drink as I was still upstairs my phone went of twice  there were 2 messages one from Con and one from my mum

Message from mum

Hey son I won't be fetching holly back till tomorrow let you and Ri get settled back in xx

Message from Con
Hey Bradderz can you pop round? I need a man talk.... Please

I replied back to both messaged and made my way downstairs and grabbed my coat. "Were you going babe" Riley asked curiously "I'm of round to Connors he needs to talk il be back soon I promise " I said before giving her a quick kiss before leaving.

I made my way to connors "yo bro what's up" I asked as I sat down "I kinda fucked things up with Grace... Well technically she cheated on me when we was on tour"

"Awe what I'm so sorry man!! That's not your fault it's hers. "

"I know I just feel like getting wasted"

"Then let's do that I will go to the shop and some beer" I smiled standing up

"You sure Ri will be happy with that?" Connor asked

"Yeah she will be fine il be back in 5"

Riley's POV

I decided to go out I hated being home alone and I thought I should go out only to our local club I decided to go on my own I walked to the bar and ordered myself a drink. "Riley'? What you doing here?" I heard a familiar voice shout my way I tuned and looked at James "well it's a club and I'm drinking soo why would I be here for anything else" I said sarcastically

"It's not normally like you though" he said as he sat next to me "yeah well maybe I feel like shit and want to" I sighed.

Through that night Brad didn't text me so he must not be back at home, I was havin fun with James having a laugh just like old times, we were talking about the good old memories we had it felt like I was talking to the old James again

Next morning

I woke up with the worst hangover I had a throbbing headache and I felt sick I opened my eyes to see the sun beaming through the window nearly making me blind I looked around the room I wasn't familiar with as I looked to my right I saw James sleeping as I looked under the duvet I was surprised me and James had nothing on, all that was going through my head was what the hell happened.

I slowly go out of bed and trying to find my clothes what I wore last night I found everything apart from one shoe, I was trying my hardest to not make a noise until I found my shoe and for some reason I shouted "gotcha"

"Were you going" James laughed I quickly turned round "what the hell happened last night?! We were both knaked in this bed in this hotel room" I shouted

All I could see was James smirking" stop smirking James and just tell me?!" Seeing him smirk made me more mad than ever "James tell me now!!"

"Don't you temneber!" He laughed I just shook my head "we slept together" he looked at me seriously. No way his joking this wouldn't happened ever I looked at him and shook my head "your deluded" I said shaking my head before walking out the hotel room.

I didn't know what to believe all I felt was ashamed and sick I just hope what he said isn't true.... I was drunk and so was he but how could he remember and not me what's worst of all this is what am I gonna tell brad.

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