Chapter 9: Movie times

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Tara's POV

I was meeting Riley at Starbucks... As I was heading towards her I saw Nate and they were flirting just like the old times..which was a good thing..but then I also felt bad for Brad because he has been there for her  ever since she has moved here.. As Nate left I sat opposite Riley all what was going through my head was the thought of Levi leaving me.. the reason being is that I think I'm pregnant..If I am I don't think I'm ready to be a parent and I don't think Levi is either.. 

"Tara..Why do you think Levi is going to leave you? he loves you way to much" Riley said reassuring me.

"I know but I just have a feeling because I think I'm pregnant" I sighed as I buried my head in my hands.

"Awe Tara...please don't be sad..I know its a shock at first I understand but lets try and think positive lets go and grab a test and then we will find out" Riley smiled

That's what I liked about Riley she was such a good friend she always had great ideas and know how to turn negative things in to positive things, Riley went and ordered 2 cotton candy frappes and came back to me before we went and grabbed a test, I felt super nervous because I didn't know what the results would come out as.

"Riley?" I asked as we looked at the tests

"Yeah" she smiled as she scanned a few until she picked one that she used to see if she was pregnant last time.

"I was about we have a movie night you know like old times? because I need my best friend right now" I smiled slightly 

"Of course I will, but I will need to nip to mine to grab my night gear" she smiled as she passed me the test.

"Or you could borrow one of Nate's shirts" I smirked, she gave me playful evils and pushed me playfully.

"Haha Very funny" she laughed we both walked to the counter the young girl who served us looked kind of bitchy you know the kind that looks down at people, we payed her and walked out, but as soon as we walked out we saw Levi,Austin,Drew and Nate heading the same way and I had the test in my hand.

"Shit what do I do" I asked Riley really panicky

"Pass it here" she whispered and took the bag out of my hand and shoved it in her bag just in time before the boys reached us.

"Hey babe" Levi smiled as he approached me with a hug

"Hi"I smiled back as I hugged him back

After a while we pulled away Riley was looking down trying to avoid eye contact with Nate but she was rubbish at it because we all knew she wanted to look at him and I could see Nate smirk on his face.

"So what are you girls doing in the mall?" Drew asked

"Well what do you think Drew its a mall its full of shops and what do girls like doing? they like to shop" Riley said sarcastically 

Everyone laughed apart from Drew.

"There is no need to be like that" Drew snapped as he walked away with Austin who mouthed sorry to Riley.

"So why are you girls here? it doesn't look like you been shopping and you came out a pharmacist" Nate asked curiously

"Um...Well you see..." I started but then Riley started singing..

"  Now, this is a story all about how My life got flipped-turned upside down And I'd like to take a minute Just sit right there I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air" Riley sang 

"Riley are you alright" Nate laughed

"Nope I'm half left" she grinned

As Riley and Nate were messing about or shall I say flirting Levi took me a side and took hold of my hand.

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