Chapter 23: You need to talk to him

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Riley's POV

Hunter and I was sat in the living room he was setting up the XBOX  while I was ordering the pizza, my phone kept going of every two seconds. I could tell Hunter getting really pissed at me.

"Riley you need to talk to him, he is your boyfriend and he cares and he is worried about you" Hunter sighed

I sat down on the sofa "I know but Hunter..back in America..Nate tried it on with him..and I just needed to get away" I sighed looking down

" love Brad right? You should be there with him.." Hunter smiled slightly as he walked over and sat next to me passing me a controller, I took it and looked down.

"Come on lets have a game and eat pizza and then promise you will talk to him?" Hunter smiled nudging me a little.

I nodded and smiled "Okay fine I promise"

After a while the pizza came and as promised I said I would ring Brad I grabbed my phone and dialled his number.

Phone call between Brad:

B: Riley?!

R: Um..Hey Brad

B: Why haven't you been answering my calls? 

R: My phone was playing up..

B: Why didn't you ring of Hunter's

R: He was out..

B: Riley why are you ignoring me..?

R: I'm not

B: I know when you are..look I want you back here..I miss you like crazy..please come back..

R: I can't..I'm really sorry

B: If its the money I can pay for you..You know that Riley

R:'s not that

B: Then what is it?

R: It's my first scan..

B: It's your first scan and you didn't bother to tell me?!

R: You didn't ask so I kept it quiet I'm sorry could be my baby of course I want to be there for the first scan

R: But what about both can't even last in the same room together

B: But I would for this once..look I need to go for soundcheck I will ring you in a bit to talk about this. I love you

R: Okay....I love you too.

I ended the call and looked at Hunter who looked disappointed.

"What?" I asked confused

He just shook his head in absolute disgrace with me

"I rang him didn't I?" I snapped

"Yeah but Riley you came back here for a scan...a scan were Brad and Nate should be with you." Hunter stated 

"I know but I was wondering if you could come with me" I asked looking down slowly

"No Ri...Brad and Nate should be there I'm sorry" 

"Your suck a dick....they are touring!"

"They don't perform every night Ri..I'm sure they could come over to the scan with you"

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