Chapter 6 : We need to talk

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Riley's POV

We was all in Starbucks, I saw Nate stand alone I pulled a chair out next to me and signaled him to come over,I started to feel bad because not only did Tara,and Levi has told me that Emily admitted it even Taylor told me maybe I shouldn't of acted so bitchy and maybe listened to him because after all we used to be the best of friends and once upon a time boyfriend and girlfriend which soon turned in to fiances. Nate came over and sat next to me and looked down he pulled out his phone and pretended to focus on that, While everyone else was in there own deep conversations I leaned in to Nate 

"Hey" I whispered, he looked up from his phone "You talking to me" he whispered back with a slight confused look on his face, I nodded and smiled "Well why are you talking to me? You don't believe me that Emily admitted it" he blankly said to me before he went back down to his phone, I looked down and slumped back in to my chair,Tara looked at me and I just shrugged.

"I'm hungry" Drew shouted "Your always hungry" Taylor laughed "So? I can't help it I am a growing man" he said very loud and proud and placed his hand on his heart which caused Tia to laugh which caused Drew to send her a cheeky smile which then put a jealous look on Taylor's face, "Why don't we go for something to eat?" Lily suggested "Yeah but were shall we go?" Austin replied to her suggestion.

"Any were but Nandos" I laughed "Why whats wrong with Nandos" Levi laughed, I looked at him and gave him one of my looks "We always go there..why not go to Chipolte?" I smiled..knowing it's one of Nate's favorites. "Sounds like a good idea" Tara smiled.

We all agreed to go to Chipolte, we walked out of Starbucks and started to walk to Chipolte, I wasn't really hungry, Austin,Lily,Tara and Levi and Tia was walking ahead of me Drew,Taylor and Nate, but Taylor and Drew was slightly ahead of us. Nate was about to catch up with the others until I grabbed his hand "Nate wait.." I started, He turned round and looked at me "What Riley?" he asked "We need to talk" I sighed "Talk about what? I thought we were done" he said as he pulled his hand away and catched up with the others, I felt a tear form and fell down my cheek, I know I'm with Brad but there is still apart of me that loves Nate and I feel like I belong to him.

We arrived at Chipolte and everyone ordered there food, I was stood behind Nate, I just knew now that I have lost him I guess now I just have to face it. He went and ordered his food as everyone went to sit down, I ordered mine I guess everyone had there assigned seats and there was two seats available one next to Nate and one next to Tara, I wanted to sit next to Nate but I just had a feelings that he didn't want me near him so I took the seat next to Tara.

"Are you okay?" she whispered to me "Yeah..I will tell you what happened later" I whispered back I put on a slight smile, The food came and everyone tucked in. After a while my phone beeped I took out my phone from my pocket to see that I had a message from Brad.

Message from Brad 

Hey babe, Are you staying over tonight? I hope your okay I miss you :(  xxx

I clicked on reply and typed my message back to him if he knew what happened with Nate the other night when I cuddled up to him and also that I slept in the same bed he wouldn't be happy, my feelings are all over the love for Nate is like a drug no matter how much we hurt each other and how much we fight I am addicted to his love and without him in my life, my life would be incomplete.

Message to Brad

Hey, Yeah I am if that is okay and I am good I miss you too :( xxx

I put my phone back in my pocket, it was nearly evening and everyone decided to go back to the hotel and as for me to go to Brads "Will we see you tomorrow?" Tara asked as she pulled me in to a hug "Probably" I smiled as I hugged her back, I gave everyone else a hug and said goodbye until I got to Nate he just put his hands in his pocket and looked away, I instantly looked down.

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