Chapter twenty-nine

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Kalani— or rather Isadora, stared at her supposed brother in shock. They'd met nearly half a year ago and all of a sudden, they were siblings!? it wasn't making any sense. "I'm sorry, what exactly do you mean 'we're siblings'?" Asked Kalani as her eyes flickered between the soldier and Andreas— or Lucian— she wasn't entirely sure. 

Suddenly, a woman that she hadn't noticed before appeared next to the soldier. She had curly brown hair that stopped a few inches past her shoulders. Her eyes were a startling shade of grey, almost as if she was watching a storm unfold right in her eyes. 

It was almost as if she was staring into a mirror— safe for their hair length and clothing. Kalani donned her everyday attire that consisted of a white crop top with a plunging neckline, a white miniskirt with a matching belt and her chunky, furry white boots. Her neck was basically bare, with the exception a silver locket that she carried with her everywhere. 

While the woman in front of her wore a long, flowing white gown embroidered with flowers. Her arms were covered by a long robe that dragged along the floor, which might've explained why the edges of her dress and robe were frayed— almost singed in some places. 

"I'm sorry but you can't give us an astronomically painful headache causing us to pass out just to bring us here to start calling us names that we've never heard and suddenly drop a huge bomb saying that we're siblings and still except us to trust you, right?"

Andreas was fuming as he practically yelled at the two people that stood in front of him, and it wasn't anger, but frustration. Kalani nodded her head in agreement before adding "We don't even know who you two are!" 

The woman looked at the soldier with 'I told you so' look before gently smacking his shoulder. "I told you that they wouldn't know who you are if you wore that ridiculous getup. Now take off that helmet." The soldier grumbled under his breath before moving to take off his helmet. 

Once he did so, wavy, snow-white hair fell from his helmet. The two teenagers scanned his face, they analyzed every scar, blemish and beauty mark on his face before they got a good look at his eyes, they were a deep shade of brown. 

And then it hit her, Andreas and... and Alastor looked exactly alike. And then it clicked, the woman that she resembled was Iliyana, her mother. 


Shocked, Kalani slowly inched to stand in front of her mother and gingerly touched her face, making sure that she would fade away. Once she was completely sure, she embraced her in a tight hug, but Andreas remained unconvinced as he stared back at Alastor and Iliyana warily which was something that they'd anticipated. 

"I know you don't believe us, and we understand. But if it helps, the locket that you keep tucked in your pocket whenever you're not wearing it, is a picture of your adoptive parents but if you kind of dig into the side, there's another photo of Alastor and I posed for a painting." 

Following Iliyana's instructions, they each grabbed their lockets and opened them. They disregarded the first photo and dug their fingers into the side, and it opened with a satisfying 'pop'.

Lo and behold, there laid a portrait of Alastor and Iliyana posed for a painting in the back of their lockets. But still, Andreas wasn't convinced. His eyebrows furrowed as he placed the locket back in his pocket before staring as his supposed parents. 

"You're ring, the one you were given for your fifteenth birthday last year, it's a staff in disguise. It requires you to perform a certain spell to unlock its magic, but it'll be pretty useful later on when you can't rely on your own magic. That goes for both of you." 

This caught Kalani's attention as she stared at her mother in confusion. "What magical piece of jewelry are you talking about?" 

Her parents stared at her in confusion before a look of realization struck them. "I forgot, because the magic's locked away and can only unlocked with the spell, the ring won't allow the staff to appear so it's basically useless on Earth, but you can try it here whenever you're able." 

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