Chapter forty-one

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As the dragon approached the snowy ground, what was left of Metis' royal palace after the Ancestral Witches attack slowly came into view.

Just like on Domino, the palace's towers were protruding from the ice, which instantly told them that they would be standing on the palace once they landed, which was easier to see as the snowfall finally came to a complete stop.

"Stella, it's your time to shine!" Shouted Isadora with a smile on her face. After nearly eight months of hearing and reading about her family and kingdom, she was actually about see her birthplace.

Stella gave a curt nod before leaping down from the dragon, with her transformed scepter in hand. 

"Stella! Magic Winx!"

The Solarian princess was enveloped in a bright light that died down just as quickly as it appeared, revealing Stella in her fairy form hovering a few feet above the ground. 

She quickly took to the skies and stopped once she reached a point high enough that she'd be able to hit the entirety of the palace in one go. 

After she found a position in the middle of the towers while still being able to hit the remainders of the palace that were buried under the thick layers of ice, and in that moment, an idea struck Lucian. 

Once everyone else was safely on the ground, he redirected his attention to the Ivory Dragon with a plan in mind. "I'm sorry to ask something of you again after you carried us through the blizzard, but do you think you'd be able to assist our friend, Stella, in trying to melt the ice? It'd be a really huge thanks for us." 

Of course. And I think Nezera's quite eager to help as well.

The Ivory Dragon shifted one of her legs, revealing the same small dragon that they'd seen earlier in their trip. 

Lucian's eyes lit up at the sight of the young hatchling, causing him to rush over the dragon and kneel in front of her. "Well, aren't you an adorable sight?" Nezera sniffed around Lucian's hand for a second before she pushed her head into the palm of his hand, an entirely new demeanor present. 

I have a question for you and the curly haired brunette. I do believe she's your sister, young prince. 

Hearing the title of 'prince' from the dragon's mouth was surprising and a bit startling, but he obliged, nonetheless. 

"Isadora, the dragon has a question before we begin." 

Without question, Isadora rushed over to where her brother and the Ivory were, with an undecipherable look on her face. 

I can't believe I didn't notice it right away, but you two are the children of Queen Iliyana and King Alastor, right? I mean, you two are carbon copies of them.

Suddenly, whatever words they had in mind had died on their tongues, so all they could manage was a small nod. 

The final hint at your true identities was Nezera's closeness with the prince. They're not shy around other fleshies, but they're particularly fond of the royal family. Young Ivory Dragons only bond with members of the royal bloodline. 

I was bonded to King Alastor while my eldest offspring, Nymeria, was bonded to their eldest daughter, Angelina. And now, it would seem that Nezera has bonded to you, young prince. 

Isadora and Lucian shared equal looks of astonishment for a few seconds before Lucian spoke again. "What exactly does it mean to bond to a dragon?" He asked. 

Bonding with a dragon is to share a bond that exceeds the physical body. It's almost like a telepathic link that allows you to remain on the same wavelength. Your mood would affect Nezera just like hers would you. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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