Chapter thirteen

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Detangling the knots that were left in her hair after her weird coma was probably the hardest thing that she's ever done, and she's taken algebra before. There was so many that by the time she was finished, she wasn't even able to lift her arms because they were so sore. But she got it done, nonetheless. 

After throwing on a pair of sweatpants, and a random band-tee that she had lying around her room, she finally went to Faragonda's office. As far as she knew, Faragonda had to knowledge that Kalani had finally woken up. 

The walk from her dorm room to the headmistress' office was typically a short one but due to Kalani's struggle to stay on her own two feet for a while, that made the journey almost twice as long. 

Once she was finally able to reach Faragonda's office, she gently knocked against the door three times, before hearing a faint 'come in.' Faragonda's office looked like a tornado ran through it, but she felt partly to blame. After all, Faragonda likely spent countless hours searching through tons of books, scrolls and everything in between that decorated the bookshelves in her office. 

Faragonda's eye briefly darted towards the door to see who came in, but her eyes widened when she noticed that it was the very person that she believed to be on the brink of death less than two hours ago. 

"Well hello dear. Please, have a seat, I feel we have much to discuss." She gestured to the green velvet chair that was in her desk, and Kalani took her offer and sat down-something her legs would be eternally grateful for. "I feel obligated to ask, how are you feeling? Nearly freezing from the inside out at the hands of some ancient magic and managing to recuperate at such a fast rate is never an easy rate." 

Kalani nodded her head as she processed what was said to her. "I'm doing as ok as I can right now. But there's been something that I've been meaning to ask you for a while now." She began, waiting to see Faragonda's face which would determine whether she continued on or not. 

"Well go on then, dear." Kalani took a deep breath before beginning. "There's this voice- or spirit- I'm not entirely sure, that keeps on visiting me. She visits me when I'm sleeping or even when I was knocked unconscious by the Trix. And I keep on asking her questions, but she always gives me the same answer 'You'll learn in due time, Anika.' 

And if that entire sentence didn't catch Faragonda's attention then the work Anika surely did because her head shot up so quickly that Kalani was afraid she'd get whiplash. "I'm sorry, what did the voice call you?" She asked, Kalani repeated the name that fell off of her tongue just as naturally. 

"Oh dear. I would've thought that she would've waited a couple more months until you were well adjusted here. I thought that that was the deal before she sent you here." Faragonda muttered, completely forgetting that Kalani was still sitting in front of her. 

"Who would've waited a couple of months and for what? And what deal- why is everybody around here so cryptic with these types of things." She asked, snapping the headmistress out of whatever daze she was in. 

"I'm sorry dear. It's nothing too serious, just head back to your dorm. I'm sure they'll pass over very soon." Faragonda instructed her as she got up from her own seat to guide the young fairy out. 


"Well, that accomplished absolutely nothing." Kalani muttered as she practically slammed the front door of her dorm room, startling Musa who was dancing in the living room to music that was blaring through her magical speakers.

"Hey, Kalani. Haven't seen you since you woke up- we didn't even know that you left the dorm, especially because it's so late." Musa said as she paused the music blaring from the speakers basking themselves in a purple light, sign that her magic was in play.

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