Chapter thirty-three

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"Did you know about me and Andreas? 

The silence was deafening as Andrea stood still like a statue. "Well for starters it's 'Andreas and I'. Lewis would be heartbroken to learn that his millions of grammar lessons had gone to waste."

"And secondly, I knew of his existence but that was it. Neither me nor Lewis was told who was assigned to look after him, let alone his name." She explained as she moved it sit down on her leather rolling chair.

"But it wasn't hard to realize that you two held some sort of familial ties. He's nearly a carbon copy of your father, Alastor— except for the hair, he got that from Iliyana." 

Kalani was pulled back to her time in the hall of portraits where she saw a photo of her biological birth parents for the first time and Andrea was right, Andreas and Alastor could've been mistaken for siblings had she not already known the truth. 

"Next question: did you know that my birth parents are still alive?" That question however seemed to have caught her completely off guard as her eyes widened in shock. "How did you learn that? Faragonda hasn't even been notified yet." 

"Same way I learned that Andreas and I were siblings, our parents told us when they appeared to us." Her voice was devoid of any emotion as she stared at Andrea as tears began gathering in her lash line. 

"I think I'm going to hang with dad for the day and check out the books he gave me. I— I um, wanted to read The Odessey— well, reread." She let out a forced laugh in an attempt to hide tears threatening to spill. 

Before Andrea could get another word out, Kalani turned on her heel and left the studio without looking back. 

With her dance bag hiked up on her shoulder, that made her moves awkward as she reached for her phone tucked away in a compartment at the front her bag. Once she secured the device, she fished it out and opened her contacts. 

It didn't take long for her to find the person she was looking for seeing as he was the first person on her recent list. 

As she hurried down the street, she wiped her eyes as the tears finally fell, ignoring strange and sympathetic glances from strangers that she walked past. Once she reached the bus stop, she finally clicked on his name and watched as the phone vibrated against her palm before he finally picked up. 

"Hey, Princess, how's your day going?" 

 Helia's voice carried a joyful lilt, a clear contrast to how his day was going as opposed to hers. 

Pretty bad, Helia. My day's going pretty bad.

Her voice cracked as she felt her legs grow weak beneath her, threatening to buckle and bring her to the ground. The sound of shuffling filled the speaker pressed her ear and lasted for a few seconds before he spoke again. 

Where are you?

Kalani let out a strangled laugh.

 Earth, and unless you know a way to get here then I'm afraid there's nothing you can do besides talk through a cellular device. 

Kalani, there's nothing that would be able to stop me from getting to you, I promise. Now, tell me where you are.

Although she believed it to be pointless, she did so anyways. 

Heading to Placeria College to visit dad.

Ok, I'll be there as soon as I can. 

A second later, the sound of a dial tone filled her ears before turning off her phone and shoving it haphazardly into her bag. 


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