Chapter thirty-one

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When Kalani arrived to Alfea's courtyard heaving for breath and a bouquet of flowers in hand, she quickly took note of Stella's disapproved expression. "Me being here before you must obviously a new thing, so tell me dear, where exactly are you coming from? Because once again, you weren't in the dorm when we got up this morning."

Stella glanced over to Kalani before taking a whiff of the air. "Why do you smell like teakwood? And where did you get flowers from? Kalani, who were you with?!" 

Now it was Kalani's turn to look confused as she sniffed her shirt, and sure enough, Helia's scent had rubbed off on her. "That's not important." She exclaimed as she looked at Bloom, who seemed disassociated from the group. 

Warily, Kalani approached Bloom who was quickly pulled back to earth as her eyes shot to Kalani once she felt someone gently touch her arm. "Are you alright?" Asked Kalani, her eyes filled with concern. 

Bloom only nodded before looking over to her group of friends. "I need to talk to you girls, seriously." The mood quickly shifted as Musa and Kalani stared at the redhead with furrowed brows. 

"I've been thinking about this for a while and after what happened at Red Fountain, I've decided to leave Alfea! There I said it!" Her eyes welled with unshed tears as everyone stared at her in shock. 

"What?! That was a stupid incident anyway. Your friend could get lost, Brandon— Sky— whatever his name is. You are you." Exclaimed Stella as Flora approached Bloom and firmly placed her hands on Bloom's shoulders. 

"Your powers are amazing, Bloom, don't waste them." She warned. Musa quickly backed up her statement with a far more brash statement. "You want to give up everything just like that without knowing what the outcome will be?" 

Tecna came up behind Musa and said, "And what about your origins and the secret of Daphne the nymph?" But after everything that'd happened, Bloom's mind was made up. "I don't care anymore, Tecna. Really, I'd rather just forget the whole thing. I don't belong in this dimension and every day I notice it more and more." 

"Bloom, please listen and think about what you're about to do very carefully. If this is what you want to do, then I won't stop you— I'll even go with you for a few days to make sure that you're ok— but only if leaving Alfea is you really want." 

Bloom looked at her best friend with a barely noticeable smile. "You're the greatest friend I could've ever asked for." With tears in their eyes, they embraced each other in a meaningful hug where they stayed for what felt like an eternity. 

They soon released each other and wiped tears from their eyes. "I've given it a lot of thought, trust me."


By the time Bloom had finished packing, the sun had begun to set, and the moon was looming over the horizon. "Sky made a fool of me! Why did he tell me he was Prince Sky's squire when he was actually Prince Sky?" Asked Bloom as she carelessly threw her clothing into a suitcase. 

"Looking back at it, Andreas knew that Brandon was really Prince Sky. He was adopted by Sky's family after all." Muttered Kalani as she picked up an envelope from her dresser. 

The name on the front read Kalani, much to her confusion. "Bloom, what's this?" She asked, holding the envelope up for her to see. Bloom squinted her eyes before they widened in realization.

"Oh yeah. Stella went into your room to borrow a bottle of perfume and she noticed it sitting on your windowsill a few days ago. She gave it to me this morning, and I meant to give it to you but you weren't in the dorm this morning." 

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