Chapter fourteen

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The ship was nose down in the pool of green sludge and had a hole towards the gas tank, but as Kalani surveyed the group, she came to the conclusion that no one was injured which was a relief. 

"Are you guys, ok?" Flora asked as they came to a stop in the middle of the clearing. "Isn't it rather obvious?" Riven sassed. It didn't take a genius to realize that he was salty about their ship going down, but Musa seemed strung out on him as she became a flustered mess. 

"We're all safe and sound, thanks." Sky said, he seemed much nicer than Riven, who was still glaring at the group of teenage girls. Sky's attention was quickly diverted to the massive hole that was emitting smoke. 

"Where's the troll?" He asked, but the footprints that were left in the sludge obviously told him that as the ship went down, the troll used their panic and confusion to his advantage and fled before anyone could notice. "He's escaped!" Brandon cried out. 

The Winx had mixed emotions about a troll being lose in the middle of a swamp, but Kalani was the first one to voice her thoughts. "Hold on, you mean to tell me that a troll- the very same one that managed to throw me through a window, disorient Stella and destroy Bloom's parents' house is now roaming freely through a swamp?!" 

"We're going to discuss you getting thrown through a window later." Tecna told Kalani before she turned back to the group of specialists with a panicked look in her eyes. "You guys were transporting a troll and you let him escape?" 

"We didn't let anyone escape. There was an accident, we lost altitude- mechanical failure." Riven tried to explain but was cut off by Timmy but Riven completely ignored him and continued. "Anyways, there's nothing to worry about. He's handcuffed." But a groan from Sky told him that that statement was so far from the truth. 

Sky reached down and grabbed something from the mud- it was the handcuffs that the troll supposedly had around his wrists. "Look what I just found in the sludge." He turned back to the two groups with the handcuffs in his hand. 

That earned even more cries of panic from the Winx. "What are you guys doing out here?" Brandon asked, it didn't make any sense for the six girls to be in the middle of a swamp for no reason, especially Stella seeing as she absolutely hated mud. "We're in the middle of an assignment." Bloom responded. 

"Then get back to your assignment and don't worry about a thing. Leave it to the specialist." Riven rudely said, but Stella and Kalani didn't seem to take it to heart. "The specialist? When are they getting here?" Kalani asked as she looked around the swamp with phony curiosity. 

"We're right here, you silly little girl." Riven practically growled as he stuck a finger in Kalani's face, resulting in her pushing his entire hand away with an equally irritated look upon her face. But thankfully, Sky stepped in before it could develop into a serious issue. "What Riven means is that it would be best for back to Alfea while we try to capture that animal." 

"We don't need your editorial comments, weakling." Riven spat, but by know, another group from Alfea had heard the commotion and came to see what was going on. "And we don't need to be told what to do. We can take care of this on our own." Another girl spat back. 

Riven's ego was about as fragile as glass- that much was easy to see, and if one girl from Alfea was able to get him that mad then something told Kalani that it wouldn't take much from another person to completely lose it. 

"You do what you got to do, but don't ever say we didn't warn you." Riven said before turning back to the group of specialists that were standing the middle of the clearing as they watched the scene play out. "Now, come on guys. We've got work to do and a troll to capture." It didn't take a genius to realize that the ship was no longer functional, but Riven's ego pushed him to believe that the ship would magically begin working again- even with the giant hold towards the back of the ship.

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