Chapter eleven

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Before we start, I just would like to say thank you so much for 1.1k reads on this book!

The hall that Kalani walked through was much different from the one that she appeared in the first time. Instead of the blistering cold that blew through the abandoned halls, it was rather warm, but abandoned, nonetheless. 

With vines growing over the once coveted portraits, she couldn't even make out a face. "I take it I'm in a hall of portraits?" She asked. Kalani felt the mysterious voice nod their head as if they had an animated body.

Queen Iliyana and King Alastor were the final rulers to have their portraits painted and hung in the hall. Your portrait would be the next one hung in these now desolate halls. But as you know, your benevolent kingdom was attacked, and you were sent to earth for your own protection. 

There were tons of portraits in the hall, but most- if not all of them were covered in vines that likely grew over them within a matter of years. "Seeing as I can't identify a single one of these faces, care to give me a brief rundown of each one of the pictures?" 

She heard the voice laugh lowly, although it let out a spinechilling reverberation before speaking again. Why not? Kalani's feet guided her to the first two portraits slotted alongside one another. 

This is Queen Kaliana and her husband King Roberto. They ruled during the silversing era, they were best known as the rulers of a peaceful Newhaven. 

Kalani squinted her eyes as she stared long and hard at the portrait before mindlessly adding "He looks like a cupcake- I mean no disrespect to the guy but were those clothes really necessary?" 

The voice laughed again, but instead of the low toned laugh that she heard earlier, this one was a loud, boisterous one that caught Kalani completely off guard! 

I don't quite think that your Uncle Roberto would be pleased to know that you compared him to a dessert.

Kalani bit the inside of her cheek as she held her tongue, but that didn't stop the festering thoughts inside of her mind. "Ok, moving on from the uncle cupcake, who are these people?" By now, she moved on and was now pointing at a second set of portraits. 

Ahh, this is Queen Lysanne and King Uriqe. They ruled during the aurum era. Here's a little fun fact, their rule was what ignited the war that is now known as the white or red war. 

Kalani had a nice number of questions, but the only one that really mattered to her was "Why was it called the white or red war?" The voice sighed before speaking in her mind once again. 

Because their enemies threatened to completely obliterate their entire lineage and water the steps of the kingdom with treacherous blood if they didn't give into their demands. 

Upon hearing the new information, Kalani muttered a low wow as she processed the newfound information before walking ahead. She skipped a few sets of portraits before coming to a complete stop at another one. 

She didn't even need to voice to speak for her to know who this was. The words came off low, and barely heard through the hall. "Mom, dad." There they stood in all of their glory. Ilyana wore a black gown that had a v-neckline, and sheer cape sleeves. 

And to someone without a keen eye it looked like a very basic dress for a queen to wear, but if you were to look closely then you would see the silver hem that was stitched along the neckline of her dress. 

And pinned to the left side of her bodice where a breast pocket would typically be, was a pearled brooch, but what made it all the more peculiar was that it was seemed to be an owl holding a snake in its talons, weird

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