Chapter sixteen

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Tecna, Musa, Flora, Bloom and Kalani were in the kitchen peeling potatoes and everyone somehow managed to nick their hands at least four times. "I hate doing kitchen duties. I just don't get it." Bloom grumbled as she finished peeling another potato. "What is it that you don't get, Bloom?" Musa asked with a bit of hostility. 

"I don't get why a school for fairies can't use magic to cook dinner. It doesn't make sense." Bloom threw her apron to the ground before using her magic to help her float in the air. "All you've got to do is wave the magic wand, snap your fingers, wiggle your nose a couple of times and voila! Everything's ready without any effort." Her magic quickly dissolved, sending back down to the ground softly. 

Just then, the very person in charge of the kitchen walked in his brows furrowed. "Because homecooked meals are much better and much healthier." He told them with a furious glint in his eyes. "Um, hello Monsieur Folia." Bloom greeted gingerly. He walked through the kitchen, inspecting the Winx and everything that they'd gotten done already. 

"And how are the side dishes coming along?" He asked as he walked up behind Musa to review her potatoes. "We're almost finished, sir." She spat with her lip snarled. Clearly, she hated this just as much as everyone else, she was just the only one who showed it. Folia grabbed one of the potatoes and stared at them with his eyes blown wide. 

"These potatoes are too small! Tale off less skin!" He shouted before rushing over to inspect their omelets. "And what about the omelets? Don't forget to flip them!" He ordered. The five girls rushed over to their pans and took hold of them. "O— of course." Bloom stuttered as everyone eyed the instructor warily. 

"Cooking is an art, young lady." He told her as he rubbed the tip of mustache. "So then, when I graduate, I'll be ordering out every night." Kalani grumbled as Folia looked at them expectantly. "Now, let's see you flip these omelets. Come on!"  He ordered. Flora was the first to try, and her omelet came out right, Tecna was next, and hers was the same. 

Musa flipped her omelet a bit too high and nearly missed it, but in the end, only a small corner of the omelet landed outside of the pan. But when Bloom and Kalani tried, the latter's landed on the counter while the former's landed on the ceiling fan. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I have no idea how it happened." Bloom swore while Kalani rushed over to scrape her omelet off of the counter before it had the chance to stick.

"Well, what are you waiting for? One of you turn off the fan!" He yelled. Flora rushed over to the panel that held the controls and flipped a switch, but it was the wrong one, resulting in the fan speeding up instead of slowing down. Bloom and Kalani laughed at the small accident while Musa jested "Come on down little omelet. Don't be afraid, no one's gonna eat you!" Folia's eye twitched as he grew to be irritated with the group of giggling girls. 

"I said turn it off!" He yelled— or better yet sang. Flora sheepishly smiled as she watched the fan come to a slow stop. But the change in speed of motion caused the omelet to fly from the ceiling fan and land on Folia's head. All five girls watch in horror as the chef was doused in the orange and yellow substance from the eggs.  

"I'll have a word with the headmistress about granting you a permanent exemption from kitchen duties!" He muttered as he cleared his face free of any of the eggs. "You young fairies cause more trouble than help. Now I must clean up before dinner time. So, keep an eye on the roast." Chef Folia rushed out of the room to go clean up, leaving the five teens alone in the kitchen.

While the girls were cutting more potatoes, Flora grabbed the oven mitts before opening the oven and taking a look at the roast. "Everything's ok here." She shouted. Suddenly, Stella came waltzing into the kitchen with a beaming smile on her face— much to Tecna's dismay. 

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