chapter twenty-three

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Turns a lot can go wrong within the span of ten minutes. While Kalani and Bloom were in the library, Stella's insensitive attitude towards Riven and Darcy's sudden entanglement managed to Musa upset her so bad to the point that she ran off, and to make matters worse, no one knew where she went.

"Congratulations, Stella. Musa is gone and you don't know what bus she took!" Flora took it upon herself to reprimand Stella seeing as no one else had enough trust in themselves not to take it too far. 

"The only bus that stops here is the bus from Magix. It's a no brainer, Flora." Stella snarked. It was clear that even after learning that it was her fault that Musa ran away, she was still indifferent, which only ticked Kalani off. 

"Yeah, but she could get off anywhere!" Flora's voice echoed throughout the empty lot of the school, but the tree surrounding the area reacted to her magic. The limbs were growing at a startling rate, if someone wasn't careful, they would get hurt. 

"Flora, reign in your magic." Kalani gestured to the trees that stood tall like soldiers. Flora took a deep breath in before breathing out. She repeated the action until the trees were back to normal. 

Flora prepared thank Kalani, but a voice cut in right before she could say anything. "You need a prince my princesses?" The girls quickly turned around where they saw the specialists. "Sky!" Stella gushed as she stared at the prince lovingly.  "Yes, we all saw him, we all know his name." Tecna murmured as she rolled her eyes. But her attitude quickly diminished when she noticed the analysts among his comrades. "Hi, Tecna." 

Kalani and Flora's eyes scanned the crowd for any sight of the white-haired specialists, but he was nowhere to be found. "Where's Andreas?" Flora asked as her eyes settled back on Sky. "He decided to stay back. He said that he wasn't feeling to well." Flora's eyes flashed with worry which didn't go unnoticed by Kalani, but she made no effort to say anything about it.  

"We saw you at the bus stop and thought maybe you need a ride." Brandon said, his eyes never left Bloom since they arrived. "Actually, you guys are showing up just in time." Bloom replied, a smile on her face. "Where's Riven? Off with that hag from cloud tower?" Kalani snarked. 

"After what happened at the rose festival, he's out of the group." Sky said. The girls nodded their heads as they processed the new information. "He decided to join another group of specialists, which is fine by us." Timmy revealed. A weight was lifted off of everyone's shoulders as they realized that they wouldn't have to put up with Riven's mood changes. 

"We've got to find Musa. She went to Magix and—" Kalani began but was cut off by Brandon. "Well then, get in. That's where we're going. You can fill us in on the way. 


After debriefing the guys on what'd transpired less than fifteen minutes ago, they got started on tracking Musa, but when they found her, it wasn't anything good. "There she is. They're after her and she's stuck in a dead end." Brandon revealed. The Winx gasped once they realized that Musa was in danger. 

"Which means that we're going to have to move quickly." The bow of the ship dipped down as the group got closer to Musas location. And when they were within range, the shot down the brick wall that separated them from the young fairy. 

From their position on the ship, it was clear to see that the Trix weren't expecting the presence of the specialists nor the Winx. Once they were landed, the girls rushed down the platform where they were embraced by Musa. 

But their moment of peace was interrupted by Riven. The ex-specialist pushed past the groupies that followed the Trix until he was face-to-face with Brandon. "Now, let's see if you're going to be tough with me too." He grabbed the hilt of his weapon and watched with a gleeful smile as the purple blade materialized. 

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