5| Rasoi

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"You are tasty!"

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"You are tasty!"

That was unbelievable! He literally had a control over me for some time and I couldn't resist it. Why? Why the hell was my body obeying him?

"Take a good sleep. I'm leaving."

He said sternly and stood up from there. He went away and I kept looking at him. Wait! He didn't do anything with me. He didn't even touch me. No! He kissed me, but that seemed consensual as I was enjoying it. But why the hell did I enjoy it? He played with me and I got played by him.


My mother-in-law...no; his mother was standing there. I lowered my gaze, glancing at her and I stood up to show some respect.

"Did he do that?" Her voice sounded concerned, as she rushed towards me, and hugged me tightly.

"N..no!" I managed to say.

"Really? Then why is your hair messed up....and your jewellery...what did he do? He promised me he wouldn't do that..!"

I could see genuine concern and tears in her eyes. I inhaled deeply and shook my head while wiping off her tears.

"He just teased me. He asked me remove the jewellery..." I managed to say this much and I couldn't tell her what happened next.

"Then what happened to your hair?"

She asked cupping my cheeks

"Um...I got frustrated so I just ran my fingers through them."


I managed to say this much, but Mahadev knows whether or not she would believe me.

"Oh! Thank God. He just proved that he is my son."

I sighed with relief

"I've asked the servants to arrange your belongings in the cupboard."

She said and I thinned my eyebrows.

"My belongings? How did they come here?" I asked her

"Your friend...um.. what was her name....umm...yeah! Preeti; she brought your belongings here." She said and a wide smile appeared on my face.

"Preeti! Where is she?" I asked excitedly.

"She is in the guest room. I'll send her to you."

She said while patting my shoulder and went away.

Well, she seemed a nice woman. I sat down on the bed with a thud and started shaking my legs as they weren't reaching the floor.


Preeti literally screamed and I stood up immediately and ran towards her. She also ran to me and we gave each other a collision hug.

"Did he.....?" She asked with concern and I rolled my eyes. Not the same question again!

Thakur's Ardhangini | 18+Where stories live. Discover now