28| Back to India

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Balraj POV

I made her drink some water, and helped her lie down again. She slept instantly, wincing every time she shifted even an inch. I was too rough on her! I arranged our bags again, as we had a flight to India, this noon itself.

Wrapping her up in my overcoat, I brought her back to the private hotel where we were staying. I frowned gazing at the pool area. I would definitely take her in water someday.

The information imparted to me by Jairaj was unbelievable, and we were still not able to find the real mastermind behind all this. For a second, I felt like doubting Amjad, but how could he? Unlike his son, he was a mature man, who respects diversity. Why would he plan such a gruesome attack on Hindus?

I ordered special Italian cuisine for my babygirl, and we ate together when she came back to her senses. I helped her taking a revitalizing bath, and clothed her too, as she couldn't move even an inch.

"Was I too rough?"

I asked, acting innocent, and being genuinely worried for her.

"Yes! You're bad, Raj!"

She cooed, slapping my chest lovingly. She wore her wedding bangles back, which I used too remove every time before having sex with her, because I didn't want them to break totally before forty five days.

We checked out, and now she could walk, under the effect of painkillers, but she could only take small steps. The flight departed as per the schedule, and like the previous time, she preferred sleeping throughout the journey, again.

We were back, and our car was waiting for us at the Delhi Airport to take us to Prayagraj, and after so much travelling, we finally arrived at our mansion. It was 11PM, and we were welcomed gracefully by our family members.

"Happy birthday, Mandakiniiii!"

My mother, her father and Ragini wished her unanimously. Ragini and Dhanraj were on video call, and we could view them on the TV. My father wasn't there. He must be busy somewhere regarding elections. Jai ran to my babygirl, and picked her up in his arms, swirling around and she slapped his shoulders lovingly, squealing.

We freshened up, and came back downstairs, for the cake cutting ceremony, and she seemed happiest today. Ah! I would sacrifice thousands of lives for her cheerful smile.

The family had wonderful conversations, until we all got too tired to talk anymore. Days kept passing, and our emotional bond was strengthening. She got her periods, and that is when I realised, how much a woman suffers during those 5-6 days. My babygirl couldn't even walk properly, and I knew that I was main reason behind it.

I didn't touch her for a month, and it took her one month to get back to the normal routine. Her body ache was completely cured now, and it was time for her college to resume.

Our investigation team was secretly trying to find out the original mastermind of that bomb blast plan, but this task seemed quite burdensome.
Mandakini POV

A month passed, and we celebrated our 'one month anniversary' amongst our beautiful family. The only saddening event was that Dhanraj bhaiya hadn't returned yet, his work was taking too much time there.

I was finally able to walk properly, and now my college would resume. He was sitting, his back rested on the headboard of our bed, and my head was resting on his thighs, with my hair unfurled on the bed, as I was reading a book, since my semester exam was close.

He was scrolling through his phone, and his mien seemed quite engrossed and focussed on whatever he was working on.


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