34| His Betrayal

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Mandakini POV


I tried to call him, holding his bicep to apologise, but he jerked it off.

"You know what, Mandakini Mathur. I never loved you. This was a trap set by me for you exactly like your sister did to me."

He groaned to me, his voice filled with angst and vexation. It felt like I was attacked by a sharp sword. His words had pierced something inside me.

"She used me, and I used you. We are equals now."

He exclaimed, getting away from me. He turned away when I muttered in an inaudible voice.


"Yes! You heard right, Mandakini."

He spoke again to make me believe that this wasn't a nightmare. This was happening in my reality. I held my abdomen because I could feel a little ache there. No! No! I cannot lose my baby.

"You......(chin wobbles) you never loved me. All this we did (sniffs).....was (sniffles again)..... was lie?"

It felt like I was blabbering to myself. Tears extemporaneously shed down of my eyes and he had gone away, already, leaving me all messed up.

I was breathing heavily. I held my belly firmly.

"No! I can't lose you."

I muttered to myself, and walked clumsily to grab my phone. I instantly called papa, and informed him about everything. Within a few hours, he was home.

I was crying terribly, engulfed in his tight hug. My tears had soaked his shirt completely.

"I'm sorry, Papa. I should not have trusted him."

I cried in his arms, his hold was tight around me.

"What do we do to the baby?"

Preeti mumbled, who was sitting before me. Her eyes were also pooled up with tears. She bit her lower lip before saying

"You are young and unsettled, Manu. He will definitely not carry the responsibilities now. You should be thinking wisely at this moment."

A drop of tear fell from my eyes, and I glanced at my belly.

"The baby did not do any mistake. His father did. Why are we punishing him?"

I spoke, and held Papa's hands betwixt mine.

"I want to have this baby, Papa. I'll carry his responsibilities once I become financially stable."

I implored him, and he nodded at my words. His eyes were also moist. He looked extremely tense.

"These thakurs have ruined everything that we had. Both my daughters suffered gravely because of them."

He groaned, with his chin wobbling. He hugged me again.

"Both your daughters? But Raj didn't do anything to didi, right?"

I enquired, pulling my head out of the embrace.

"Your sister is alive. She is somewhere that I don't know. Jairaj found out about her. Arjun and his team are searching her. Either the Khans or the Thakurs, or perhaps both of them have hidden my daughter somewhere. I don't know where she is, in what condition she is. May Mahadev protect her."

Papa broke into sobs speaking these words, and I instantly remembered the image that I had seen, where she stood behind Raj. I gulped before speaking

"She is with Raj, maybe as a hostage. I had seen their picture together. I never knew he would stoop so low to avenge us that he would torture both of us."

Thakur's Ardhangini | 18+Where stories live. Discover now