10| Traumatic Past

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"She was your sister

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"She was your sister."

My eyes went wide and he licked on his finger that was inside me a few moments ago. I felt him opening the knot at my wrists. He untied me and I sat up. I don't know but this irritated me so much that I slapped him.

That wasn't much harsh, but strong enough to provoke him. He palmed his cheek and grabbed my wrist immediately turning it back and I winced in pain.

"You shouldn't do this without knowing the whole story."

His eyes were red and grip stronger. I was wearing my wedding bangles and I didn't want them to break this time. Luckily, he was holding my wrist this time and not the bangles. I closed my eyes as it was aching badly.

"Anhh! Leave me."

I said and he leaned closer to reach my ear.

"You have no idea what I've gone through because of her."

He muttered and I felt him taking my earlobe in his mouth. He licked and sucked it.

"Ahh!" I moaned, my bosom was doing up and down. My breasts were open to him. I placed my other hand on his chest to resist.

"Stop!" I said whimpering as he bit me there.

He left my earlobe and wrist. I looked into his eyes. They were blank and deep as if there were many emotions, but they were not available for anyone. They felt like the ocean - too calm to see from the outside, but had a complete different dimension of life inside them.

"You...you mean Niharika di?"

I asked and I could see a vein popping up on his forehead. Did I just trigger him by taking her name?

"Yes!" He said and went down from the bed.

"Get dressed and eat something. I've got the food for you."

He said looking away. I held his wrist before he could walk away.

"Feed me please." I said in a slow and feminine voice and he turned back to see me.

"Please! Let me go." He said removing his hand from my grip.

Now, I really wanted to know his story. I would definitely confirm it with my dad, but I wanted to listen to his side as well.

"Please...um...I'm your wife." I said lowering my gaze innocently.

"Don't act innocent, babygirl. You aren't one!"

He said chuckling, that was obviously fake, but I giggled too. I leaned forward and he carried me in a bridal style. He took me to the couch which was placed in front of the one where my lehenga was kept.

He made me sit there and went to my cupboard, but not before washing his hands in the bathroom. He took out a night gown and approached me. He sat on his knees before me and his hands reached my back unhooking my bra. I gave in and he removed it completely making me stark naked before him. I felt timid and I lowered my gaze flickering here and there.

Thakur's Ardhangini | 18+Where stories live. Discover now