29| College Resumes

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Mandakini POV

My own room was haunting me, as if it was missing him too. Settling my things properly, I lied down on my tummy, to fetch some sleep, but it had already flown away from my eyes.

"My doll!"

Papa called, and I turned my head into his direction, without lifting my body up. He strolled to me with a glass of milk, and sat beside me. I instantly shifted a little, to place my head on his lap, like his little doll, that I certainly am.

"I know, you are missing him."

He muttered, caressing my hair lovingly, like he was pampering me.


I hummed, in a cooing voice. Now I could feel, why my 'lion' husband calls me 'babygirl'; I behave like a baby.

"Don't worry, you will be with him soon. I had no idea that he is such a gentleman."

He muttered, and my mind whispered to me.

How do I tell you, papa? He is not at all gentle on the bed.

I smiled, and nodded. He forwarded the glass of milk to me, and I drank it in a few gulps. He began crooning my favourite lullaby, though he couldn't sing that fluently, but he never ran away from fulfilling the duties of my mother.

I didn't realise when I fell asleep in his lap, and he kept patting my back gently.
Pleasant dawning sunlight aided me to wake up early, as it fell on my placid eyes. Stretching my arms wide, I smiled widely. Finally, I would see my college again, after so many days.

I took a revitalizing bath, with lukewarm water, and his favourite lavender body wash. Embellishing myself in a baby pink kurta, and denim parallel pants, I put on the simple pearl ear studs.

I ran downstairs, where Papa was waiting for me, with the breakfast. He had prepared Poha, with orange juice, and I finished it up quickly.

"I'm leaving, Papa!"

I declared, and Papa stopped me.

"Arjun is arriving in five minutes. You'll go with him."

He ordered, and I frowned, but I knew that my husband was doing it for my safety, so I gave in. Arjun bhaiya arrived, and I got seated in his car, to advance to my college.

"Preeti hogi waha!"

"Preeti will be there."

I broke the silence, and Arjun bhaiya inhaled sharply, but not before gulping.

"She doesn't want me anymore."

He whispered, and I sucked on my lower lip.

"Then make her want you. You can't give up on her so easily. I know, she loves you. It's just that she is angry."

I elucidated to him, and he nodded, without extending the conversation. Maybe he is less talkative kind of person.

We reached, and unlocking the door of the car, I ran to hug Preeti, who was waiting for me at the entrance.


She shrieked enthusiastically, but her grin faded away, the moment her gaze fell on Arjun, who had come to stand behind me.

"Bhabi, I am here, but I won't follow you inside the campus, as it may hinder your privacy, so call me if you need anything."

He asserted, his voice was extremely formal, deep and too seductive for Preeti to resist. I cleared my throat, and gazed at her, followed by pivoting my head towards him.

Thakur's Ardhangini | 18+Where stories live. Discover now