13| His Trauma

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Preeti sounded disappointed and broken

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Preeti sounded disappointed and broken. She never opened up this much before me whenever it came to her ex. Perhaps she was too hurt in this case.

"You need to sleep now because we'll leave early in the morning tomorrow."

He instructed me, and went to lie down on the bed. He didn't touch me, or muttered sultry words into my ears as he used to do earlier. Is he angry because I ran away from him like that, but he was behaving well there! Mahadev knows what kind of man he is. I also walked to the bed, and laid beside him. We didn't say anything to each other, and I finally drifted off to sleep wondering what he was thinking.

I woke up, and to my surprise I was all alone in the room now. He was not with me, but it was early morning. Where could he possibly go? We are supposed to leave for Banaras today so let's get ready. I went to the bathroom.

I freshened up, took a warm relaxing bath and turned around to wear my clothes, but I hadn't brought any inside. Ah! How could I be so reckless?

I wrapped the bathing gown around my body and walked out of the bathroom. I wished to not see him in such a condition and luckily, he wasn't there.

I draped a royal blue saree with minimal jewellery. To be honest, I preferred only anklets when it comes to accessories, but since I was a 'newly married' woman now, I had to wear this much.

I was getting ready when I felt him coming to the dressing area. Towel wrapped around his torso, wet shiny hair dripping water that was travelling down his forehead, neck and chest, sharp jawline making him appear more sexier. I envied those water droplets and I didn't realise that I was literally gawking him until he muttered

"You want to get late?" I came out of my fantasies and started placing the jewellery piece on my head. He started walking to me with slow steps as I was struggling with the ornament. I gulped as I felt my throat running dry. Why the hell isn't it settling on my head? I cursed the ornament when he sat on his knees just beside me and whispered into my ears.

"That's an anklet, not a headpiece."

I flinched and stared at the ornament. Shit! It was an anklet and I did this nuisance before him! How could I be this crazy? Yeah, he drives me crazy undoubtedly, but I didn't want to show it to him. Damn!

He wrapped his palms around my ankles and I felt tickled. I smiled a little and placed it on his thigh gently.

"Give it to me." He said and I handled the anklet to him. He didn't say anything while tying the anklets around my ankles.

"Are you angry?" I managed to ask him, and he simply shook his head.

"Do you want something?" I asked again, and this time he peered directly into my eyes, his orbs darkened.

"I want to rewrite my past where I could have only you and not your sister at any time."

He came dangerously closer to me, his eyes raking between my eyes and lips. He licked on his lips and they turned wet. I died looking at his Adam's apple moving up and down as he gulped. I wanted to kiss him so badly, but he seems dangerous right now.

Thakur's Ardhangini | 18+Where stories live. Discover now