Chapter 6

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I readjusted my position in the kitchen chair, leaning my elbow on the island so I could hold the book differently.

Three days had passed since I spoke to my little human mate Odette. She was even more stunning up close. She had light freckles from the sun sprinkled over her cheekbones and the pretties blue eyes I had ever seen before. They were like sea crystals. And her voice was like soft rain, enticing and warm. There was a slight accent to it too, southern maybe.

I tried to stay close to Natalie's suggestions, be kind, be brief, and don't stare too long. The third one I think I messed up a bit. I usually wouldn't need someone else to help me approach a woman I was interested in but this was different. This was my mate; I couldn't mess up. I didn't want to.

And while it had been a few days since I spoke with Odette it was only twelve house since I last saw her. For the past few nights I've been going to check on her. I couldn't not think of all the horrible things that could happen to her alone in the woods. There were natural predators that were in those woods but supernatural too. She was in human territory, any wolf or vampire would see her as far game. However that thought wouldn't even cross their mind if I was there. My scent alone would deter them from the area. It was a bit different from a regular werewolf so they would recognize what I was.

To ease my mind I checked her locks before she got home two days ago. They were horrible but the only thing I could change without her noticing were the screws. It was harder to kick in a door with four-inch-deep screws. I also cleaned up the locks on her windows so she could actually turn them. I made sure they didn't look squeaky clean so it wouldn't alarm her.

I looked up briefly as Trey entered the room. I had been waiting thirty minutes for him to come in and tell me the troops were ready. I picked up where I left off in Odettes book. The book wasn't bad but it was cheesy. The plot was very predictable and each line I knew was written to make the girls swoon.

The one thing I hated about this book was how much I related to the male lead. He couldn't communicate his feelings properly either. Granted he resorted to being an ass it was a dilemma I struggled with.

I felt as if I acted like a complete idiot in the bookstore. It started off okay but then I didn't even have a book title in mind when she asked. I just wanted to keep her talking to me. Then of course the second the question left her pretty mouth my mind blanked. I wanted so badly to ask her out but Natalie said that wouldn't be good. I was a strange man to her, she would reject me even if she felt a hint of the bond. I knew I had to be patient, I knew it before Natalie reminded me. However things changed when she turned her attention to me.

"You're actually reading that?" Trey laughed a bit.

I didn't look to him again, "Yes."

Odette said she liked it. I wanted to know more about what she liked.

"Trey you better not be teasing him about reading that book." Natalie's voice echoed through the halls before she appeared in the doorway.

I ignored them both. I didn't care what Trey thought. This had nothing to do with him.

"It's not even a book he'd be interested in." He replied to her then turned towards me, "come on it's not like she's going to quiz you on it."

Again I ignored him.

"He's doing it because his mate likes it," I caught her placing her hand on her hip out of the corner of my eye, "wouldn't you for me?"

Trey was silent. I waited for him to make a mistake by claiming it was different or saying no. Both of us knew he would ultimately bend to her will. It was just a choice of it he wanted the headache before.

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