Chapter 4

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A loud bang jerked me from my slumber. I wrenched up only to freeze completely when I saw what had woken me.

My little human mate was rushing out of her home as she dug through a tote bag on her shoulder. Her blonde hair was half tied back with some sort of small blue scarf and she wore a long pale-yellow skirt with a white top. On her feet was a pair of sandals and she had one seashell necklace on her delicate neck.

Snapping out of my haze I looked around alarm. I wasn't supposed to be here. I was supposed to be chained to a tree miles away. Shockingly the bag I had brought with me was next to my leg. I didn't remember bringing it here. In fact I didn't remember anything after my shift.

It was unusual for me not to remember. The only time I did was when my emotions were out of control. In those cases there was always someone who got hurt. I had no blood on me or my things so I concluded that didn't happen.

I waited until she was out of my sight before I got up and slipped on the clothes I had packed. This was worse than I thought. That I, in my practically unconscious state, found my way back here even knowing the risks. From her rushed but not fearful reaction this morning I would say she didn't see me. So I was mindful enough to stay back.

With my hearing I could still hear her quick footsteps walking away. She was close to a mile now heading south towards the seaside town I passed through.

Despite knowing better I crossed the short distance from my position to her home. The closer I got the stronger her sweet scent was. It drenched the place. The building was the size of a large shed. It was freshly painted a pale peach color. The door was a faded white with a circle glass window. There were several regular windows around the home that allowed me to see inside.

From the half-closed lace curtain I could only see one bed, a small kitchen, and tiny jut out with a door I assumed was the bathroom. There wasn't many personal items from what I could see. Just like on the small porch there were some tools lying about. The walls were a dark shiplap with wooden floors. Everything was lighter in comparison. The kitchen cabinets were white on top with the bottom ones being ocean blue. There was one silver sink and an empty space for a refrigerator.

The lack of the appliance made me scan the home again. There wasn't any electrical device and the light in the ceiling was off. Did she not have electricity?

I walked away from the window and started to observe the areas around the home. About one hundred feet from the house was a well. It was round with bricks stacked up to form the shape, a dark pointed roof over it. There was a bucket hooded onto one of the supporting beams for the roof.

Behind that was what looked like to be a small, plowed dirt patch. There were some plants popping up, others looked yellow and slumped over. At the front of the house was her clothesline. That was it, her whole set up was here.

My mind ran again with a million thoughts and questions. My biggest concern was her safety. She was out here alone with hardly more than items for basic survival. It made me uneasy. I didn't like the thought of her out here like this.

With that feeling I immediately started back the way I came. My truck and the rest of my things were still over there. It was the same realization I had yesterday. I shouldn't feel so much so soon. I knew from other mate bonds basic worrying was normal. This was more than that. At least I thought so.

I collected my bag and chains then hiked back to my truck, tossing them in the bed then getting in the cab. I started it quickly then drove it back in the direction of the pack.

As I passed through the town I couldn't help but look for her. I made sure I didn't slow down but my eyes naturally moved to the groups of people walking around. She wasn't in any of them.

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