Chapter 10

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Odettes lovely voice flows from her mouth to my ears. I heard every word, soaking it in with the realization of how lucky I was to be able to take her out again. And yet, I couldn't really focus.

All of my energy was split into two. A part making sure I absorbed the conversation so it wouldn't seem like I wasn't interested. Because I was. Everything she said I wanted to hear. But the other part, was trying to fight my natural instinct. I wanted to tug her to my chest and kiss her. Worse than it's ever been.

I was incredibly grateful that she had agreed to go on another date. This was the third one to be specific. I counted that as a good sign. She wanted to see me, to pursue something. That gave me hope. And it spiraled from there. I was trying to figure out how fast was too fast. Did humans kiss on the third date? Would she want to? Or would she consider it rushing?

I was nearly sweating at the thought. I didn't want to pressure her. I didn't want to make her feel like I was rushing this or pressuring her for more. I knew that if I came on too strong it would probably make her distance herself. Then I wouldn't know where to start again. Would I even be able to? Or would she immediately mark me as unapproachable?

I couldn't mess this up. I couldn't risk losing her when I barely even had her. So I tried to contain myself. Internally reminding myself that humans have a different timeline. It was slower and needed much more time to adjust and think. I needed to give her that. But fuck was it hard. Everything in me was saying it might be okay. She might feel a pinch of the bond and accept it. Natalies voice and my own doubts battled with those.

Trying to focus on the positive I reminded myself how far I've come already. In the past month things have been going well. She wasn't afraid of me. She agreed to lunch, then another date. And both of those went really well. She smiled and laughed, openly confirming she would like to do it again. And now she was walking beside me, almost brushing my hand with hers. Good. This was good.

Even today had some victories. The past two dates she didn't want to leave the town. I knew it was a comfort thing, she felt safe here. She was familiar with the environment and didn't want to go anywhere with someone she still considered a stranger. I understood the reasoning behind it. But today she agreed to my idea when I suggested a larger pier down south. It was within the pack and filled with little shops and restaurants. Agreeing was a good sign too. She trusted me a little more than before.

"Did you want to go in here?" she asked.

I glanced to her seeing her pointing to an art shop. "Sure," I agreed. I reached past her to open the door, allowing her to walk in first.

"Thanks," she said.

"You're welcome." I let the door close behind me, matching her pace again. "Do you paint or draw?"

She laughed lightly while shaking her head. "No. I tried in high school but failed miserably. I think my teacher passed me out of pity."

I smiled. "It probably wasn't that bad."

She shook her head again. "No it was." Her blue eyes flickered over different paintings then went to my face. "Do you paint or draw?"

"No," I said. "The artistic stuff wasn't really my thing. I was better with sports."

She hummed. "That I can relate to."

We walked around the shop for a few minutes. I offered to pay for one of the portraits she eyed but she politely declined. The picture resembled a swampy area at dusk. I wondered if it made her think of her home.

When we left she led the way further down the pier. Every few seconds her hand would brush mine and I wanted to say it wasn't a mistake. I would often catch her looking at me but it didn't last long. Her eyes would meet mine, drop down a hint, then drift away.

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