Chapter 9

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The wet fabric of my skirt clings to my hands as I bring it up to the line. I hooked it over then went for the clothespin, placing two on either side before going for my shirt. The task of washing and hanging clothes was simple, routine. It's why it allowed my mind to wander.

And it wandered right to Silas. Despite how nervous I was for the date it went well, really well. I actually wanted to see him again. I found him nice and comfortable to be around. It was the opposite of what his physical features put off. He was intimidating for sure, however beneath that he appeared to be softer.

After our lunch we walked through the town for a short while. Time and time again he proved to be a gentlemen. He pulled out my seat at lunch, then held open every door for me, allowing me to go in first. He seemed to go out of his way to make sure I was okay. At the end of lunch he offered to pay, I tried to argue but he did it anyway. Even the way he did that was nice. He smiled, thanking me for offering then politely assuring me he had it.

I knew these were not incredibly hard things to do. It wasn't as if he was moving mountains or anything. But they were things I wasn't entirely used to. I appreciated them nonetheless.

Handsome, polite, kind, funny. They were traits I liked. Really liked. And most of all, when I let my mind rest, I did feel safe around him. Silas was a large man and there were times he showed he could be protective. Moving me so I wouldn't walk next to the street for one. I liked that too.

When I first showed up my mind spun with different possibilities. He was nice in the bookstore and café but what if that was a façade? What if he really was dangerous and this date was a chance to lure me in? I had only met him twice, and briefly, he could have been a serial killer. And up until a few days ago I knew nothing but his name. Even now, I knew more but not much.

The thoughts were filled with paranoia but there anyway. It's one of the reasons I chose to have the date in town. It was a zone I was comfortable with, crowded with people who knew me. If something went wrong I would still be able to get somewhere safe.

However after a few minutes of being around him that settled. It was strange but comforting in a way. I didn't feel nervous around him or scared. It was a feeling I wish I had more.

The problem with wanting to see him again was that I didn't have a phone. Not only could I not afford one but I'm not sure if I could get service where I lived. Those would both be monthly payments with my full name on the bill. I didn't want to risk it. Instead I told him to call Mrs. Patters at the coffee shop. She had taken a few messages for me before and didn't mind. I intended to make sure we set dates next time but for now this would do.

He didn't act like it was a strange request. Which was something else I appreciated. I knew because I was trying to still hid from the thing in Louisiana the things I did could be considered weird. I didn't have a phone. I didn't have electricity or a car. I didn't keep a steady job. I never tried to make deep connections or talk more about me. Everything I did was to keep me unremarkable. I didn't want to have anything with my name on it.

While didn't explain all of that to Silas, the little I let out didn't seem to bother him. And it made me nervous for the future. What if I really liked him? What if I wanted more? What if he did? What if things went so far that I eventually want to marry him? What would I say? How could I answer those questions without sounding crazy?

What happened to me was beyond reasoning. To others it would sound like crazy talk. I was kidnapped and fed to a wolf in the middle of a swamp. People used to put others in asylums for less than that. And I knew how it would sound because I would react the same if someone said it to me. I would ask them if it was a really good dream or perhaps they were on drugs. As horrible as that might be, I would never have believed it if it didn't happen to me.

So then what of Silas? How much would he listen too before realizing I might just be crazy?

The possibility of not telling him was there. I could just not say, I could make up a story about why I moved up here. But then how do I explain the lack of documentation? There was no public record of me past the date I was taken. And the way I lived...I looked suspicious. Insane actually.

I tried to shake these thoughts. I had only just met him. We only went on one date. I was going to make myself panic over the future when I don't even know when he'll call me again. And he might not. Maybe the date wasn't that good for him. He didn't act like it then but people pretend.

The thought made me sad and I wanted to smack myself. This was stupid. I shouldn't be acting like this over a man, let alone one I just met.

I pushed out a quick breath, shaking my head as I hooked the last piece of clothing over the line. This time when my mind started to wander I used it differently, forcing myself to hum a tune. Music was one of the things I missed the most. I would hear it in town but I had nothing here to play it. I wanted to invest in a radio but I wasn't sure if I would get a clear station. And I didn't want to risk that money if it wouldn't work.

While my clothes dried I started to paint the porch. It's taking me longer than expected but I was almost done. I got up on the stood and started painting the underneath of the overhang. The wind blew in light gusts today, cooling my skin as I worked.

I was dipping my brush back into the Haint blue when a rustling in the leaves made me pause. I turned, looking out in the direction where it came from. It was nearly dusk outside, the sun falling faster than I realized with my distractions.

In the distance I watched a squirrel bounce across the ground, it paused to dig before moving again. My eyes watched it for a moment then scanned the rest of the area.

Usually around this time I would see deer or foxes. They tended to wait until night was falling to come out and truly be active. However in the last few weeks I hadn't seen any of them. In fact, I think squirrels and birds were the only animals around now. At first it made me nervous. I thought a larger predator must be close and that's why the others had moved on. It was natural. But I hadn't seen traces of that either.

There loud noises used to scare me, it was one of the reasons I knew they were always there. Deer crunching leaves beneath their hoofs at night or bear's huffing in the distance. I heard them all because I feared the noises were from the thing in Lousisana. Or something like it. But each one I lied away until I could identify it. Now I heard nothing at night. Maybe an occasional owl but that was it.

It was strange. I wondered what caused them to flee. In a way I was happy about it though. I hadn't slept this well in months and I was certain my risk for heart attack has gone down.

I turned back to the porch, finishing up the ceiling before closing up the can. I went inside to wash my hands then I came back out to gather my clothes. Due to the warm breeze they were fully dry and I was able to put them in the basket. I brought them inside, taking time to put them away. When I was done there was hardly any light left in the sky. I lit two candles so I could fix a late dinner.

Considering today was my day off I was able to get most of my chores done. I was hoping that when I went into town tomorrow to help garden I would see Silas called. For now I settled in my wooden kitchen chair with my food and a book. Tomorrow I would let myself get excited about it. If he did I would have to think of a better way to set things up. I was hoping he would be too.

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