Chapter 8

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"Alright so remember, she probably doesn't know about wolves or Lycans or anything supernatural. I know this can be really exciting but don't—"

"Rush anything and give her extra room. More than I might consider rational because my instincts will push for more." I filled in Natalie's sentence.

She had been helpful with tips on how to approach Odette because as irrational as it sounds I did struggle with what she said. I wanted more. I wanted to reach out for her. I wanted to kiss her already. I just wanted to hold her without her freaking out. And I knew she would. Odette was human so what I thought would be a normal pace she would see as way too quick. I knew that would scare her and she would pull away. I didn't want that.

Even with repeating that over and over again I was still fighting to control my outwards emotions. She agreed to lunch and she remembered my name. Both of those things made me happy. I half expected her to not remember me and I was well aware that she could reject me. I was prepared for a no when I asked and was ready to back off for a little bit before trying again. If she had said no I would have tried for something less or even 'bump' into her a few more times until she felt comfortable about me. I didn't want her to feel like I was pressuring her or make her uncomfortable. Instead she agreed. To say I was ecstatic and surprised would be an understatement.

"Right." Natalie said, "The rest I don't think I'll have to explain."

"Is there more you think I should do to not be intimidating?" I double checked.

Odette had already proved to be easily spooked. I saw the look when she saw me for the first time and I hadn't forgotten the reaction to the sounds in the woods near her home. I didn't want to cause that reaction in her. I wanted her to feel safe around me. Because she was. She would always be safe with me.

"Just be yourself. You'll know how to shift around her to make her comfortable. It's kind of instinctual."

"You just said to ignore my instincts because it'll push for more," I deadpanned.

She rolled her eyes and shoved me, well tried to, towards the door. "It's different. You'll figure it out."

I complied with her motions so that I could actually leave. I was grateful to have Natalie helping me however I was ready to see Odette already.

I got into my truck and drove north towards the small beach town she worked within. I had figured out over the past few days that she worked odd jobs with people she appeared to know. I wondered the reason for it. Sure there didn't have to be one however it wasn't normal for someone to do unless they moved around a lot. I hoped that wasn't true in her case. I couldn't explain 'bumping' into her in another city without her freaking out.

When I reached the town the sun was high above the water. I could see several piers but only one had a large restaurant built at the end of it. The building was painted light teal while a smaller structure next to it was apricot. It looked like a store.

I had to park across the street at a Victorian style strip center but before I even crossed the road to the pier I saw her. She was sitting on a bench between the two piers. She wore a sea green skirt that dropped to her ankles while a tight white top covered her chest and shoulders. Her blonde hair was down in waves with part of it pulled by a clip. Next to her was her usual tote bag.

I tried not to rush as I crossed the street. She had her legs crossed the knee but her body was turned to she could watch the waves. I could see a delicate silver necklace on her neck, the pendant looked like a flower. Magnolia maybe?

As I approached I tried to reel in my emotions. I wanted to walk up, pull her up from the bench and kiss her. I couldn't do that. Normal mates could if they both accepted the bond. She wouldn't understand in the same way a wolf would. No I think she would hit me for it.

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