Chapter 12

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My thoughts being consumed by Odette was a normal thing for me now. They used to be focused on my next assignment or some problem I was having to fix, now they were all her. And I didn't mind one bit.

Thinking about my human mate made me happy, not nearly as happy as being with her though. Everything seemed to be going right. She didn't appear to be scared of me. She lit up when she saw me and that was a feeling like no other.

We've crossed some hurdles successfully too. Not that she would see them as such, but I did. Kissing her for one. I was worried because of my instincts that it would be too early. I didn't know how to truly judge the humans relationships on comparisons to wolves. They were all different, some much slower than others.

Still, I was happy she was able to determine that it wasn't too early. Then meeting my friends, another hurdle. My only concern with that was she would somehow figure out something was different and I'd have to lie or tell the whole truth.

And the whole truth was another hurdle. A major one.

I wanted nothing more than to be honest with her. I wanted to tell her everything and anything. I hated lying to her, even if everything was a half-truth. And there were days where I didn't have to lie at all and I still felt awful. She didn't know a big part of me, technically my being itself. I was itching to tell her but at the same time terrified to bring it up.

The thought of her being scared of me hurt, even if it hadn't happened yet. Then the thought of her angry at me for lying hurt too. It was a hard decision to make. I was going to tell her but deciding when was the problem. I couldn't really mention it like a normal subject.

In addition I didn't want to risk what we had now. We had just started this relationship and I wasn't sure how strong it was. For me there was nothing she could do or say to make me walk away. I didn't think that's how it would work for her. It was too early, she wouldn't react the same way.

While I worked on finding the right time to tell her I used every moment I could with her to enjoy her. I collected every little detail I could about her. And in a way I knew this too would help me prepare and plan how I told her. I would be able to navigate her reactions and how to respond to them. At least I hoped I would.

Later in the evening I settled in my living room with Odette's book. Between dates with her, training the new recruits, and checking in on Odette I wasn't as far along as I hoped to be. I liked the book well enough but I was more interested in Odette's opinions on it. I would need to ask her reactions later.

His lips met mine with a fiery passion as his body pinned me to the door. I felt his hot hands slide down my body to feel more of me. The only sign my short skirt had shifted at all was the cool breeze on my upper thighs.

This was the third time the main characters had started making out in this book. From the last two times I was waiting for the guy to mess it up by saying something stupid. At this rate I don't even think they'll get together until the last four pages.

Over my sensitive skin I felt his fingers trail upwards. He ripped away

Yeah here we go.

When the tips of his fingers met my bare pussy

Wait what? I sat up in my chair and read more intently.

His eyes sparked with mischief. He made me hold eye contact with him as his fingers slipped down my wet core. I moaned lowly when they dipped inside, stroking my inner walls.

My eyes pulled off the book to stare at the floor in front of me. Odette read this stuff? I was in complete shock with this newfound discovery. I never would have thought in a million years Odette would read erotica. From the way the book was going the thought didn't cross my mind that it would have this in here.

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