Chapter 20

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Thirteen days have passed since Odette moved most of her things into my home and to say things were going well was an understatement. I thought it would be too much for her, that she might think it was all moving too fast. But she didn't.

Granted she didn't officially live with me but it felt that way. She fell into the habit of making herself comfortable all the time. I loved it. She was a bit hesitant at first but after several reassurances she finally agreed with me. Now she added things to the grocery list without asking, though she always peeks my way to see if I nod or not. I always do. She left her shoes by the door instead of carrying them to her room and even convinced me to buy flowers for the dining room yesterday. While I immediately agreed I did think it was silly at first. I never used the dining room so why did I need flowers for it? Now I got it, the yellow did brighten up the room.

I knew old me, the one who never thought I would have a mate, wouldn't even think I was crazy. Mate or not, if he had seen the way she smiled when I said yes to the flowers he would have crumbled too.

That was a habit that seemed to increase the second she came through that door. Doing anything I could to make her happy. I always tried to do that before but now it was like an addiction. Because when she was happy, I was happy.

I placed the last pancake on one of the main serving plates as the door to her room opened. I heard her bare feet paddling against the hardwood making me glance up. She was dressed in dark flowy pants that had a bow near her waist, with a blush-colored shirt. The shirt fit tightly against her torso. Her hair was left hanging down her back to dry.

She made a face at the pancakes. "I wish you would have waited. I could have helped you." She pouted lightly and rounded the counter towards me.

This was another development. We usually found a way to touch out on dates but now that we were around each other all the time both of us tried for more. I wanted to have some part of me on her all the time and from what I could tell she felt the same.

She came up to me, stretching up on her toes to kiss me. While usually I was very attentive in my response one thing caught me completely off guard, the way she smelled. More prominent than her normal scent was this sweet aroma. It was alluring, so much so that my surprise at the new scent didn't last long.

I turned my body so that I could pick her up, sliding her back onto the countertop as I devoured her mouth. She let out a small squeak but didn't complain. I jerked her hips so they pressed firmly against mine, deepening the kiss as a million sparks shot over my body. They seemed more intense than before. It made me want more. I needed more.

My desperation for her wasn't something new but the strength of it was. Almost as if I didn't have her now I wouldn't survive this.

The thought made everything in me lock up. Heat. I was in heat which meant she was ovulating. I broke away from her, pulling my hands from her hips to rest on the countertop. It wasn't far enough. I couldn't be here right now.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

She panted lightly in front of me, her face flushed and lips swollen. I wanted to put something else between her parted lips, right after I made her come all over the countertop with my tongue. A million different things I could do to her invaded my mind and I knew I had to leave.

"I—" I swallowed roughly. "I have to shower real quick."

She looked at me with bewilderment. "But you just made breakfast."

"I know." I forced myself away from her. I was too close to bending her over the counter. "I forgot about a meeting I have today, it's with my client. You go ahead and eat. I'll be right back."

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