Chapter 16

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My mind was frantic and every curse word I could think of flew out of my mouth. Odette had not only been threatened but she saw my Lycan form, watched it rip apart a rouge. I could only imagine how scared she must be right now, how scared she was last night.

I slammed my hand on the wheel so hard it bent. I stayed away last night because I didn't want her to see me. One glance out the window might have been the only reason she needed to leave. And because of my over-precautions she was put in danger. The rouge had stupidly ignored my scent that I had repeatedly placed around her home. I was willing to bet he was looking for trouble when he came up on her. From the screaming and fallen trees I saw when I got there he was doing everything to torment her before he killed her.

It enraged me. I had only seen a few seconds of what he had been doing but it was clear he had been there awhile. The sound of her scream echoed in my mind. I tightened my hands on the wheel. I should have dragged out his death like I knew he was going to do with hers. I was so angry that I couldn't control myself with the wolf.

I sped into the small town where her scent darted into. I followed after her when I finally finished with the wolf but kept a distance so she couldn't hear me. She had run straight passed her home and into the town. I assumed it was to be in the public eye. She wouldn't want to be alone in the woods after that.

My jaw clenched at the thought. This would set me back a lot. I thought everything was going good, human wise anyway. But if she figured out I was the Lycan in the woods that killed the rouge she would run. Farther than this town for sure.

I couldn't focus on that yet, I had to find her first. There was no telling what condition she was in. I didn't even have enough time last night to see if she was injured. After I had shifted again I had to go back to my truck and change into my spare clothes before I could go get her.

I pulled into a random spot near the café and slammed my car into park. As soon as I hopped out I started towards where she exited the woods from. It was towards the back of the town but I didn't have to go all the way there, her scent picked up closer to me.

The smell of honeysuckle and sea salt wasn't hard to follow. She ran in a straight line through the streets until she got to the last strip. I noticed how she went up and down the area before darting across the street. I waited for three cars to pass then did the same. From there she walked down the small sidewalk to a staircase that led down to the beach.

I stopped only for a second to compose myself. If she was down here I would have to act nonchalant until I saw her. If she thought I followed her she would freak out.

Keeping an easy-going expression fixed on my face I started down the steps. Out of the corner of my eyes I caught her figure. She was curled up under the pier. I didn't look right to her though I desperately wanted to. Instead I stepped out onto the sand then turned in her direction. She had her head resting on her arms that were on her knees. Her blue eyes were wide open facing the ocean. She had on the same white cover up that was so shear you could see the outline of her pink bikini. One of her flipflops was missing.

My pace was slow coming up to her. I didn't want to scare her more than I already had. When I was close enough I decided to speak instead of waiting for her to see me.

"Odette?" I acted surprised.

Her eyes snapped to my figure at the same time she moved back as if she was going to run. Her eyes were wide with light circles under them, her face appeared paler. My heart broke as my blood boiled.

"Hey are you okay?" I was able to switch to worry. Her reaction granted me that reaction.

Her eyes flickered behind me, then around her, before settling back on my figure. As if that was enough to break her she spung up and closed the short distance between us. Her small frame crashed into mine, wrapping her arms tightly around my neck. She began to shake lightly and I knew she was crying. I immediately embraced her tightly against me.

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