Chapter 13

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My eyes follow the roller in my hand as it glided back and forth across the wood. The dark chestnut color gleamed brightly before soaking into the grains. The unstained wood beneath my knees bit into my skin making me wish I had worn jeans today. However with the bright sun shining down there wasn't another option besides shorts and a T-shirt. My hair was tied back into a ponytail, hanging over my shoulder but at least not in my face.

It was probably noon and I was almost done with the front porch of Mrs. Patters house. She asked me to stain her front and back porch as well as the railing when I came in to see if Silas had called. He had and I was able to call him back right away, planning our last few dates. She offered me the job and I happily accepted. I tried to exchange the calling services for it but she declined, insisting the phone calls cost her nothing and she'd be stiffing me.

I had already stained the railings and posts to her townhome but now was working backwards to get the flooring covered.

"I think you have more stain on you then the porch angel," Silas said from behind me.

I jumped, spinning to see him leaning on the front fence. He was dressed in jeans and a short sleeve shirt that showcased the tattoos on his arms. His smile was teasing but his eyes held a brightness to them that could block out the sun.

I smiled back and rose off the porch. "I thought we were meeting on Friday." I started walking towards him.

This was a surprise, a good one at that. Silas and I weren't supposed to see each other again until Friday for a movie. I didn't expect to see him until then. But here he was not three feet from me with a basket in his hands.

"I know, and we are, but I wanted to see you now," he said like it was obvious, leaning towards me.

He kissed me over the fence. My heart fluttered and I threw my free arm around him, keeping the roller far away from him. He was right, I did have a lot of the stain on my clothes and arms. I didn't want it to get on him too.

I broke away with a smile. "Well I'm glad you decided that. I'm happy to see you."

He hummed and kissed me again. "That's good to hear. Probably the best news I've heard all day."

I leaned back enough to see his face. "Have you had a bad day?" I asked with slight concern. I didn't like the thought of it.

He shook his head. "No angel, just painfully boring until I got here."

The butterflies in my stomach rallied over the nickname. I couldn't help but smile.

I peeked down at the basket he held. "What's that?"

He moved back to show me, holding it up. "Lunch, if you would join me?"

And just when I thought he couldn't get sweeter. "You made a picnic?"

"Well I don't have a cloth to put down but I figured we could eat it down by the pier. They have tables there. I know you like it down there."

"I do." I was sure I was beaming. "And I would love to. Wait for me to wash up?"

I was due for my lunch break anyway, this was better.


I pecked his cheek then went back to the porch. I touched up one or two spots then temporarily cleaned up my area. I closed up the can and washed off the roller, leaving it in the sun to dry quickly. I used a hose to wash off my arms and hands the best I could. When I started back towards him he unhooked the latch on the gate, opening it for me.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome," he said. His hand reached out for me and I entangled out fingers. "Do you know the person who lives here?"

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