Chapter 7

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The sound of the waves crashing into the shoreline grows as I near the town. I cross the short distance from the wooded trail to paved sidewalks. Today I already had my job set up so I knew to head right towards the group of townhomes south of the town. They only took up a block but were the last buildings in the town. Passed them was a long stretch of winding roads that ran alongside forest and ocean.

As I walked the rising sun became more and more evident. It was probably close to six in the morning but I preferred being early today. I was hoping to finish soon and just enjoy the beach.

I walked to the last house in the row, pushing open the small iron gate door. Before I could get to the porch the woman was opening the door.

Mrs. Everly was someone I bumped into frequently. She was a retired school teacher and spent her days traveling the towns up and down the coast. Her husband was still working as an engineer with no plans to retire soon. I had worked for her before when she needed her living room painted. Usually her daughter was around to help her but when she wasn't I was here.

"Good morning Mrs. Everly." I greeted with a smile.

"Good morning Odette," She came down the front steps, "The garden is this way."

I followed her as she rounded her house to the small side and back yard. There were several raised garden beds besides an arched trellis.

"I know it looks awful," She was bashfully ashamed, "Melissa is in Palm beach this month and I just let it get away from me."

Awful was far from what she was showing me. There were some weeds here and there but nothing close to what she was thinking. However I knew her well enough now to know she was a neat freak. All the projects I worked on for her proved that. She wanted everything organized and in what she deemed proper condition.

"It's not so bad." I eased her a bit, "I'll get it cleaned up for you."

"Oh thank you dear." She patted my arm twice then pointed to the ledge of one of the garden beds, "I pulled out all the tools already and a trash bag for you. If you need anything else please let me know. I'll be in the house cleaning but fill free to come on in."

"Alight, thanks." I sent her one last smile before she turned and went into her house.

I headed straight to the tools, slipping on the gloves she left out. I picked up the bag and grabbed a shovel. Knowing Mrs. Everly she wouldn't be satisfied until the entire root of the plant was removed. I would then have to cover the patch with new dirt. I went to the first bed, kneeling down so I could start on the vines trying to climb up on the wood.

For the next two hours I worked on my hands and knees to uproot every weed in her garden. I avoided the plants I knew were there on purpose. They're marking was the only thing that told me what they were. As I worked I was immensely impressed and jealous of how much she was able to grow. I attempted my own garden at the cottage but to no avail. I wasn't sure what I was doing wrong but I would have to meet with her later to figure it out.

As my hands moved in the dirt my mind drifted from topic to topic. I thought about my parents, they must still be so worried. I wish I could visit them but I was terrified of those people figuring out I was alive, or that wolf thing finding me. I still thought of it often. I tried to dismiss the noises around me when I was alone but it was hard. Whatever it was clearly was unnatural. There was no telling what it could do.

Briefly my mind wondered to the man in the bookstore. Silas I think it was. I had thought of him a few times since he left the store. It wasn't anything serious, just a fleeting thought of it I would really see him again. I mean he was attractive, how could I not?

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