Chapter 17

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When I woke up I noticed I was back in Silas's guest room. The shades were drawn but showed it was probably evening. I pushed till I laid on my back. Getting my schedule back in order was going to suck.

My mind wandered back to the events that have taken place within the past twenty-four hours. I couldn't help the fear that rose within me at the thought of the things in the woods. The wolf was bad enough. I was almost certain it was something similar from Louisiana. I knew normal wolves ran in packs, perhaps these creatures were the same. Maybe the one I killed from Louisiana—if I even killed him—sent his friend up here to finish me off. Or the ones who tied me to the tree.

And then that...thing that attacked him. I didn't think anything could be scarier than a giant wolf proving to be unnatural but I was wrong. I had never seen anything like it. It almost liked a stretched-out wolf, but more terrifying. And to watch it kill that wolf like it was nothing, I couldn't comprehend it. He tore into its thick fur as if it was soft dirt, there was no resistance or hesitation. I couldn't forget the way his blood splattered, or the sounds coming from both of them. The deafening growls of the beast mixing with the whimpers from the wolf.

I blinked rapidly at the ceiling to rid my mind of the images. I was happy my mind hadn't replayed those while I slept. However I hadn't closed my eyes once on that beach. I was too scared the beast would find me.

Instead of thinking about that I willed my mind to Silas. It wasn't a hard thing to do. He had been unbelievably understanding yesterday—or today. He was the last person I thought I would see on that beach and I couldn't have been more grateful he decided to show. Upon seeing his figure I felt this intense relief, hitting me stronger than the waves crashed into the pier. I couldn't stop myself as I threw myself into his arms. Something about him holding me in his arms made me feel like nothing could touch me. Even the beast.

After I realized I was safe I immediately thought he would think I was crazy. This was the first incident where I showed my true fear like I had in Louisiana. I would think that would rattle someone. Especially someone you haven't dated for too long. It didn't seem to shake him at all. Even as I described what happened to me he quietly listened and reassured that he didn't think I was crazy. I didn't realize how much I needed to hear that until he said it.

Part of the reason I never told anyone about Louisiana—besides the fear of being caught—was what they would think. I know if someone had told me a similar story before it happened to me I would view them as strange. He didn't. Or at least he didn't act that way. He held me and comforted me until I fell asleep. I felt deep appreciation for that.

In my mind, and heart, this only gained him points. Not that I was keeping score but it was a positive thing. Despite my initial fears, mostly based on my fear of the unknown, Silas had been incredible. He was so kind and caring. He made me feel happy and safe, cared for. I always found myself completely infatuated with him when I was around him. He was incredibly handsome, which helped, however he was a good person. A good man. He treated me right and I had yet to see anything about his character that I didn't like. I like him. A lot.

I only hoped what happened wouldn't change anything. I was sure to be shaken up for a few days but hopefully I could bounce back faster than Louisiana. My only concern was I didn't want to go back home. No yet anyway. I was too scared that the beast would be lurking in the woods. I was a good distance from civilization and it was frightening at night to be alone. Especially when I recently encountered a monster.

A soft knock sounded from my door and I quickly pushed up into a sitting position. I fixed my hair as best I could. "Come in," I called out quietly. My voice sounded hoarse. I tried to clear it quietly.

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