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"Thank you so much for stopping by!" Ccino chirped, bowing lightly in Nightmare's direction. Nightmare simply waving his hand in response. "It's nothing. I'm the one who has to thank you for letting my court enjoy our time in peace." Nightmare spoke and Ccino smiled, nodding a bit. "It's the best I could do." Ccino spoke before glancing at Cobalt, who walked besides them.

"Nice to see you again Lord Nightmare. You seem to be getting new members everytime I meet you." Cobalt commented, glancing at Error's particular direction, who looked away in embarrassment at the sudden attention. "Error's quite new, yes. But he's not yet an official court member, as he's still in training." Nightmare explained and Cobalt nodded.

"I see... Anyways, nice to meet you, Error. I'm Cobalt, the original Undertale Sans... though I figured that Lord Nightmare has already introduced me." Cobalt gave a lazy grin at Error, who nods a bit. "L-Likewise..." Error spoke softly and Cobalt then nodded.

"Alright, don't let me hold you up now. I still have stuff to do with my Cappuccino." Cobalt hummed as he placed an arm around Ccino's shoulders, making him smile. "Cobalt is helping me make a new recipe. When you're free, do you want to try it with Onyx, Error?" Ccino asked, Error perking up at that and facing towards them again.

"Can I?"

"Of course! Onyx seems to like you, and he's my best friend and a regular customer." Ccino chirped and Error smiled lightly. "I would love to." Error hummed and Ccino clapped his hand softly. "Great!"

"Niiice Error, you got a free drink!" Peril joked as he turned towards Error with a grin, who sheepishly smiled. He would've nudged Error, but he's unsure if his haphephobia would trigger. "Anyways, we'll be going now, thank you for your delicious treats and beverages." Crimson spoke, smiling at Ccino who nods. "Thank you for enjoying." He responded.

The court then left through a portal made by Error as he already had it prepared.


It's been a few days since they had a break in the cafe. Error was roaming around the neutral zone with Onyx, as he helps with parting the crowds thanks to his death touch. "Soo... why are you without that friend of yours? Err- Peril was it?"

"Well, I wanted to try buying something on my own but... my haphephobia kinda said no, so I ended up asking for your help." Error sheepishly said, glancing at Onyx. "Hope you don't mind." Onyx shook his skull as they entered a shop.

"Nah don't worry. Mist is doing god knows what today and Vivid's in the Sun Empire so I didn't have much to do anyway." Onyx explained and Error nodded. "I see." He then stopped on an isle and looked inside curiously. Onyx peeked from behind and blinked. "The sewing section? You sew?" Onyx curiously asked and Error blinked.

"I don't remember... but I think I did knit and sew in the past." Error explained as he entered the aisle, looking around curiously. "I've honestly been looking around for stuff that could jog my memories, like that time when I met Cobalt." "Woaah, wait. You met Cobalt?" Onyx asked in surprise and Error glanced at Onyx. "Yeah, by chance. We met him in Fluffytale... Which, by the way, thank you for telling me about it... I managed to bring the court out and have them relax in it." Error smiled softly up at Onyx, who lets out a small chuckle.

"It's no problem... But no wonder you met Cobalt. He frequently visits that cafe more than I do. Probably visits everyday even, but you just don't see him in the cafe, but probably inside Ccino's home." Ongx explained and Error tilted his skull as he picked up a pair of sticks. Needles...? "Why's that?" Error curiously asked and Onyx brushed his hand on the bundled wools. "Those who has seen them together has spread a rumor about them having a secret affair together. But honestly? I think they're married or at least dating and making it obvious." Onyx chuckled lightly. "They aren't even trying to hide it whenever I saw them together."

Error then turned towards Onyx with curiosity in his eyes. "What's dating? Or Marriage?" Error asked and Onyx blinked, staring down at the glitch in surprise. "Wow, to think you don't know those terms, yet know what solicitation and cheating is." Onyx murmured and Error tilted his skull in confusion. Onyx chuckling a bit, ah, it feels like teaching a smart dumbass of a duckling. "Dating is when two people get together and see if they're compatible with each other... Like a uh... trial period to see if they would take their relationship further. Like, see if their love for each other stays true." Onyx explained and Error slowly nods. "Ohh..." Error mumbled in thought.

"Then... Is marriage like, the end goal of dating?" Error asked inquisitively and Onyx smiled. "Yes." "Oh... how compicated." Error huffed as he then went towards the cashier and sets down the knitting needles he grabbed, as well as crochet needles and even an embroidery and sewing set. He also sets down neuts to go along with it, having calculated the perfect amount of money to pay.

"Love is complicated honestly." Onyx nodded in agreement, setting down some yarn that he grabbed for Mist and putting down payment for it as well.

"Thank you for buying at bullseye." the employee spoke after giving Error the bag. Erroe carefully took it, making sure not to touch the employee and gave Onyx the bag with the stuff he bought. "Must be hard having haphephobia." Onyx spoke softly and Error shook his skull. "Sometimes, my haphephobia doesn't act up so it's fine. At least it's not permanent." Error said and Onyx chuckled and nodded. "Well, at least you have a silver lining." Onyx explained as they left the mall. "Still, I don't get why they just not put Target." Error mumbled softly and Onyx chuckled lightly. "Well, they probably tried to be original since Target exists in other AUs." Onyx explained and Error scrunched his nose.

"Or it could just be something funny the author decided to implement." Error sighed softly and Onyx blinked, glancing at the mall in confusion. "Where did that crumbling sound come from...?" Onyx mumbled in and Error simply shrugged and continued walking. "Anyways... Error, why did you only buy the sets? Are you not gonna buy yarns or threads?" Onyx asked and Error blinked. "Erm... I just have a feeling that... I won't need it... plus if I ever do, I can ask Peril for some. We live in the same room after all." Error explained and Onyx nodded.

"Makes sense." Onyx hummed as Error then stared at the items he bought before staring ahead. He bought these because he needed to know.

He could feel that the marks on his face isn't just normal markings either. After his encounter with Cobalt, his magic senses ended up getting more sensitive, and he ended up sensing quite a lot of power from these marks. He doesn't know how to control it yet, but he was sure that it could be one of his weapons mentioned in that letter.

He couldn't wait to be more useful to the court once he finds out more about his magic.

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

* Gassspppp, omg another update

* Omg I'm on a roll with this updates omg

* I'm so fucking bored help, not even reading quenches this boredom 😭😭😭

* Anywaysss, just some quality time with Onyx and Error afterwards! We love more relationships outside of the Moon court uwu

* Oh yeah, fun little fact! Error's one of the tol beans in his og multiverse, but one of the average to shortest in Empireverse xD

* His height didn't change, it stayed the same. The Multiverse he fell into just has tall af ppl

* Sayonara uwu

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