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"Error! Hey!" Error then stared at his phone at the sudden yell from it, frowning a bit since it hurt his hearing a bit. "... what?" Error hesitantly asked as he then leaned back on the pile of clothing that he had begun to store. He was currently also in the Void where he woke up all those weeks ago and he's been trying to see how he could summon his attacks.

He may have muscle memory, but for some reason, his magic isn't working the way he wants it to. As if there's some sort of block, or something else preventing him from using it.

Though even if it's not working the way he wants it to, he's still trying his best to check out other things he could naturally do but don't remember how. Like him knitting right now.

"...at do you think?" Error snapped out of his thought process when he heard his caller end his sentence. "Huh? Sorry, I zoned out a bit. Could you repeat that?" Error asked and heard snickering on the other side of the phone.

"I was asking you if I should take out the court like what you did, help them unwind and stuff. What do you think?"

"I think that it's a good idea. Plus, I'm sure that Lord Dream will listen to you since you are his adviser, Prism." Error spoke softly as he sets down the phone after putting it on speaker and continuing his knitting. "I know right?! But the problem is the other court members. I know Synth would be busy trying to figure out how to get rid of those icky virusy stuff and Azure is uptight, too much like a royal guard. I know Wisteria and Comet would be down but those two are the problem." Prism whined lightly and Error started another round.

"What about Rose?"

"Rose? Uhh, he'd be down honestly... And might get Azure to agree... Oh! Right- yeah, he could help me! Thanks Error!" Prism cheered and Error hummed. "No problem..." Error trailed off as he then casted the scarf he finished. It was similar to the scarf that Nightmare has, except it had a black sun on it instead of a moon, and the color was in teal.

Maybe he could give this to Lord Dream...?

Mmm no, the quality isn't enough. He wants it something like Nightmare's... fitting for a royalty.

"Hey! How about you also join us?"

"Who- me?"

"Yeah! Even though you chose the Moon Empire, you're quite welcome here in the Sun Empire still, and Lord Dream seems to relax around you!"

Error thought for a moment at that as he sets down the scarf. Maybe it'd be nice to hang out with them. Of course he'll need His Majesty's permission, but he's sure that he'll allow him anyways. "I don't see why not."

Prism cheered on the other side. "Cool! See you tomorrow! Make sure you're here at 11 o'clock sharp!" Prism exclaimed happily and ended the call before Error could say anything else. Error stared at the phone before sighing lightly and then bundling up the scarf, putting it on the pile of clothes.

He should probably leave now after seeing the time on his phone. For some reason, the time remains as the time on the AU where the Empires are and doesn't change in this AU like it would usually do when he jumps across AUs.

Error then stretched lightly before he opened a portal to Peril's room and entered, finding that the light outside is gone, and the moon and planet was high up in the sky. Seems like he was in the Void for a long time huh.

"Error! Oh my god there you are!" Peril exclaimed once he entered through the door and Error turned to him, tilting his skull in confusion. "Something the matter?" Error asked in confusion and Peril blinked. "What do you mean? You just suddenly disappeared somewhere, and Boss wasn't able to feel you!" Peril exclaimed worriedly and Error blinked in surprise.

"Is.. Is that so..."

"What do you mean 'is that so?', where were you?" Peril then toned down his voice afterwards, figuring that he got through Error, who looked sheepish. "Err... it's hard to explain..." Error mumbled, looking away from Peril shyly, who then sighed.

"As long as you're safe now. I'm sure Bossmare was able to feel your presence too since you're back." Peril sighed, thinking that Error is probably trying to keep where he was a secret. "By the way, you can tell me where you were. It's okay." Peril said worriedly.

"The only way I can really describe it well is that it's a kind of Void." Error spoke and Peril blinked.

"A Void?"

"A Void, yeah. It was all white... It's the same Void I woke up in." Error said and Peril stared at his roommate. "A white Void... What the hell?" Peril was now concerned, how the hell did Error end up in this... Void? "How did you even..."

"I portaled there... though, before you ask. I'm not sure of it's rules about visitors yet. I had a really big feeling that it was only for me for now." Error explained and Peril sighed. Ah, how did Error already know what he was gonna ask. Is he some kind of mind reader?

That'd be cool if he was. He could tell what his Boss is thinking that way hehe-

"Anyways... If Lord Nightmare is looking for me anyways, I should go meet with him, since I wanted to ask for a one day time off." Error spoke softly as he walked towards the door. Peril quickly following him. "A time off? Why?"

"Err... Prism invited me." Error explained and Peril blinked before frowning a bit. "What does that Simp want- Well if you want a day off then I'll support you in your endeavor!" Peril nodded firmly and Error smiled gently. "Thank you..."

"Yeah yeah..." Peril wouldn't ever tell Error, but he also only agreed because they still haven't been able to tell Error what's going on in the corrupted AUs, especially when the corruption seems to be spreading faster and faster.

He feels quite bad that Error's getting left out, but what could he do? He and the whole court wants Error's safety, especially since he's still an amnesiac, so he might not know what to do in certain situations.

Unbeknownst to Peril and the entire Multiverse, they would eventually come to know of a Monster able to destroy worlds no matter the cost. But that's for the future.

"Maybe I should bring something back for you guys, what do you think?" Error softly asked as he turned towards Peril, who grinned. "Whatever you wanna do, glitchy." Error smiled lightly at that, ignoring the oncoming headache that appeared after Peril's nickname.

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* Hmm hmm hmm~~ You guys sure are enjoying so many updates this week aye~?

* Why am I updating so much? I don't know either, I'm really bored okay.

* Also because suddenly I got a boost of motivation to continue this but idk how long this'll last so don't be hopeful lololol

* Anyways... I wonder why they weren't able to feel Error's emotions in the Creationist Void 👀👀

* Adios mi amigos~!

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