Vishnu's Maya

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Location: A chamber in the palace of Dwarka. Queen Rohini is about to give birth. Queen Devaki is beside her, instructing the royal nurses. King Vasudev is pacing outside with his two sons.

"Pitashree, do not worry." These are the words of the charming yet mischievous Krishna. "I have a good feeling about this, isn't it bhrata?"

Prince Balram sighed. "We just got back from gurukul, Kanha. And this is auspicious, you say?"

"Of course it's auspicious," the king of the Yadavs answered. "Or would you rather miss the birth of your sibling, Balram?"

"Never." the prince smiled, exchanging glances with his younger brother when the nurse came outside the chamber.

"Maharaj." she spoke solemnly. "The Queen has been blessed with a girl."

"I KNEW IT !" Krishna clapped his hands in glee. "Is Mother Rohini well?"

"Yes, prince. Both the mother and child are well."

"Here," Vasudev took off his gold necklace and handed it to the nurse, whose eyes widened at the sight of it being placed in her hands. "Tell the news to the people! There has to be a celebration!"

Queens Rohini and Devaki looked up at the entrance as the king and the princes entered. 

"Priye, where is she?" Vasudev searched frantically for the child his eyes had thirsted to see. Just then a nurse entered with a little bundle in her arms. She handed the child to Rohini, who kissed the top of the baby's forehead.

"Our daughter, Arya." she said, a tear escaping her eyes as she handed the bundle to Vasudev whose eyes widened in anticipation.

"She's beautiful." he said, echoing the words of Devaki when they first laid eyes on Yashoda's daughter. "Kanha, Balram, look at her eyes, her beautiful radiant eyes, this....this...little hand." the baby had wrapped a hand around Vasudev's fingers.

"I can already tell she will be father's favourite," Krishna chuckled. "Our sister." said Balram. "Bound to be."

"And why not too? Daughters are always favourites." Devaki said. "Let me hold her too!"

Vasudev passed the child to his wife. "She will grow up to be the favourite of many." she said, smiling at the little child. "I may not have birthed you, but-"

"Jiji, no, she is your daughter. I have just been given the pleasure of being her birth mother." Rohini said, stroking the head of her daughter. Devaki smiled, "She is our daughter, the light of our lives, the pride of the Chandravanshi's." she said. "Look, her face shines with the radiance of the moon." she passed the child to Krishna, who was eagerly waiting to hold her.

"My partner in crime." he said, smiling at the little face, which cracked a small smile. "See, she knows!"

Balram shook his head, laughing. "Kanha, do not corrupt her with your mischevious tactics. I will watch the two of you."

"Yes, bhratashree, but we make no promises!" he chortled. 


Location: The royal hall in Dwarka. Vasudev, Rohini and Devaki sit around the fire of a Yagna. The princess is laid on a mattress as the Rajrishi mutters some incoherent words. Princes Krishna and Balram watch on.

"Maharaj," he says, "Your daughter is destined for great things, the gods themselves have bestowed her with numerous qualities. She will help pave the path for Dharma to be established. She will be the guiding light of many, a pillar of strength for ages to come. He who attains her hand will be blessed in more ways than one. Your daughter is indeed the pride of the Yadav clan, and will be known as Yadavi. I have the esteemed task of naming her." he smiled.

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