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Location: Maharishi Atharva's ashram. Various chariots are lined up, carrying various princesses from different kingdoms. Senapati Satyaki and Princess Subhadra have just arrived, he brings the horses to a halt.

"Rajkumari, we are here." Satyaki got off the chariot and extended his hand out to the princess. She took it gladly. 

Maharishi Atharva was coming towards them. Satyaki and Subhadra bowed in front of the great sage, seeking his blessings.

"Kalyan ho," he said, blessing them. "You must be Princess Subhadra from Dwarka."

"Yes, Maharishi." She smiled.

"Come, my child. Let me introduce you to the rest of the class."

The Maharishi guided her to under a large banyan tree, where short of 20 princesses her age were standing with their accompanied others. A lady in an orange saree was speaking to one such princess.

"Pragati, this is Princess Subhadra from Dwarka," the Maharishi explained to his wife. She turned to them, and a wide smile graced her beautiful features as she took them in.

"Rajkumari Subhadra, may you flourish in every endeavour," she blessed Subhadra.

"This is my wife, Rishi-patni Pragati. She will be your Gurumaata." the Maharishi said. Subhadra bowed to the Rishi-patni.

"Senapati Satyaki, the princess is safe with us. We will bestow her with all the knowledge this Ashram can offer. Please be rest assured, we will take care of her. Give our regards to Maharaj Vasudev, his queens and the esteemed princes." the Maharishi told Satyaki, who joined his hands and reverence and smiled at Subhadra.

"I guess this means goodbye, Princess." he sighed.

She gave him a small smile. "Bhrata Satyaki, I hope you will accompany my family when they come to visit me."

"I will, dearest Princess." he smiled, taking their leave. "I will."

As Subhadra watched his chariot leave, leaving dust behind, all she could see is the future it held for her. She would return years later to complete her duties as a princess. She would look forward to it, she thought, as a small tear collected in her eye. She wiped it away before it could fall across her face. A small hand fell on her shoulder.

"Upset already?" it was a high pitched voice, maybe another princess. "I'm just glad I am away."

Subhadra turned towards a pair of bright dark brown eyes. This was definitely a princess, she was dressed in royal attire and had dainty golden jewellery. Her pink lips were shaped into a smile and her cheeks were flushed in excitement.

"I'm Dushala from Hastinapur." she said, excitedly. "You?"

"Subhadra from Dwarka...." she said, and a little bulb went of in her head. "Did you say Hastinapur?"

Princess Dushala rolled her eyes. "Yes, Hastinapur, one of the greatest empires in the entire Aryavart, I have a lot of responsibility and the prestige of this empire to hold onto, yada-yada-yada."

"No, I mean I've heard of Hastinapur from my brother, Krishna." she said, almost laughing.

"Prince Krishna is your brother?" It made her eyes pop. "Really?"

"Yes, he is." she grinned, proud of being Krishna's sister. "I have a lot of brothers, he's my favourite, but I'll never let my other brothers know." Subhadra winked.

"You may have many brothers," Dushala said. "But not as many as me."

Of course Subhadra knew Princess Dushala had a 105 brothers. She had often wondered how it would be like to have that many brothers, she shook her head. No way, she thought, she already had trouble with her two most prized brothers.

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