A New Journey

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The following months went by in a haze. Prativindhya, Sutasom, and Shatanik grew in front of their very eyes. Nakul's little boy had begun walking and he could even say "Mata" much to Draupadi's delight and Nakul's annoyance.

"You'd think I'm his father so that would be his first word!" Nakul pouted childishly. Sahdev laughed. 

"But I'm his mother." Draupadi said, with an air of pride as they watched the children play in the gardens.

"I spend more time with him!" Nakul countered. 

"I'm still his mother." Draupadi shrugged, beckoning Shatanik to her. "Say 'mata'." 

Subhadra knew very well this was just Draupadi's way or irking Nakul, and it worked. Shatanik smiled, "Mata." he said simply, waddling over into his mother's lap. She picked him up. "That's right."

Sahdev and Subhadra laughed, enjoying the shocked look on Nakul's face. Just then, Arjun and Bheem returned from their excursion. 

"My lovely wives," Arjun smiled. "Care to tell me what Nakul is so annoyed about?"

"Shatanik keeps saying 'mata' and he doesn't like it because he's the father." Draupadi said, grinning. "And I'm his mother."

"So you are." Arjun agreed. "Mata, what were our first words, by the way?"

Kunti looked up from her knitting and smiled reminiscently. "All of you said 'mata', never 'pitashree'."

"See!" Bheem clapped Nakul's back playfully.

Nakul sighed, but he couldn't help but laugh at the little boy. "Alright, alright, I get it. 'Mata' it is. You love her more, I see."

Yudhishthir looked up from the parchment in his hands, smiling happily at his family. "The children are fun to be around."

"They are," his wife agreed. "Their laughter fills our home with joy."

Yudhishthir nodded, setting the parchment aside. "It's moments like these that remind us of what we are fighting for. Their future, their happiness."

Draupadi, letting go of Shatanik, looked over at Yudhishthir with a tender smile. "And we will make sure they have a future worth fighting for."

"We will, Panchali." Bheem echoed. "Our children will have everything they deserve, everything that is their right."

They looked over at the children who were running behind Arjun as he played with them. Subhadra couldn't help but laugh at his antics; he really was a different person with the children. Arjun ran in circles, making exaggerated movements, while the children chased after him, their laughter ringing through the gardens. Prativindhya, Sutasom, and Shatanik stumbled and giggled, their faces glowing with pure joy. Arjun swooped down, picking up Sutasom and spinning him around, causing the boy to squeal in delight.

"Look at him," Subhadra said, shaking her head fondly. "He becomes a child himself when he's with them."

Draupadi nodded, a soft smile playing on her lips. "He does. It's a side of him that few get to see."

Sahdev joined them, his eyes twinkling with amusement. " Bhrata Arjun's always been good with children. It's one of his many talents."

Bheem joined Arjun, making faces at the children, who promptly fell over on the grass, laughing with their hands on their stomachs.

The sight of the mighty Bheem, usually so fierce and formidable, acting silly and playful was a delight to everyone. His expressions and funny noises had the children in fits of giggles. Arjun, feeding off Bheem's energy, started a mock wrestling match with him, much to the children's amusement.

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