The Beginning

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Location : Vaikunth, the abode of Lord Vishnu and his wife Devi Lakshmi. Lord Vishnu rests on Sheshnaga, brows furrowed.

The protector himself was in deep thought. He must incarnate on the planet earth yet again, destroy the evildoers and restore righteousness. 

"My lord, what is making you think so much?" Devi Lakshmi asks. 

"Oh, dearest, nothing much. It is time for us to reincarnate yet again." he replies.

Why must the Lord incarnate, however? It was for Kans, the evil king of Mathura. His death was destined at the hands of the Lord, and destiny has many ways of fulfilling itself. Sadly, this time it was to be that Kans' own sister, Devaki must birth the child. Here she was, enjoying what was to become the saddest day of her life. She was getting married to Vasudev, and the whole of Mathura was rejoicing.

"Priye, I think I will need some help completing this mission of mine." Lord Vishnu sighs. You see, this wasn't just about Kans. It was about what was to follow as one of the greatest epics to ever be written. Just then, Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati appear- and the Tridev were united, just as before any important mission.

"Since I shall reincarnate, so shall you, Sheshnaga." Lord Vishnu places a hand on the body of the snake he rests his head on. "My faithful companion, I give you the chance of being born elder to me, it will give you a chance to boss me around!" he laughs. Sheshnaga bows his head, accepting the wishes of the Lord.

"Lakshmi, as always will be born as my better half." he smiles, looking over to his wife, who returns this affection. 

"I must watch over all this, shall I?" Lord Shiva asks impatiently. As much as he respected Lord Vishnu, the Dev took ages to reveal the plot.

Lord Vishnu laughs. "The people pray to you, Mahadev. You will shower them with your blessing, of course." at which Lord Shiva smiles. "Indeed."

"However, this mission requires a lot more effort."

Lord Vishnu closes his eyes, and a warm golden glow is emitted from his body. "I summon the illustrious Narayani Shakti, who will be born to dispel darkness and bring light to this world." A little ball of golden light appears in the view of the onlookers. "Devi Parvati, you gave me the honour of being your brother. Do me this honour yet again. Let my incarnation have a sister as illustrious as yourself." he smiles.

Devi Parvati says, "Lord Vishnu, I would be delighted. One of my Navdurga incarnations, Durga herself, shall vest her powers into this Shakti." she smiles, and projects her palm outward, and blue orb is emitted, fusing with the golden light.

The figure of a woman begins forming. She has a golden complexion, blue lotus-like eyes, long cascading hair, and a charming smile. She joins her hands and bows her head to the gods standing before her.

"Devi Maya." Lord Vishnu smiles. "I require your assistance."

"My Lord, it is my duty to assist you in your role of protecting this world." Devi Maya answers. "Tell me, what must I do?"

"Well, myself, Lakshmi, and Sheshnaga are incarnating yet again." Lord Vishnu murmurs. "This time, it is a long role we must play. I need your help in establishing righteousness. I can always rely on you for support, can't I?"

"Of course, Dev." she answers. 

"Look, there are my future parents." Lord Vishnu points to a large circle on the floor of Vaikunth where the gods can see what is happening on earth. Devaki and Vasudev were being taken by Kans around Mathura, there was celebration everywhere. "Soon enough, a celestial voice will interrupt the ongoings, prophesising that Kans shall be slain at the hands of Devaki's eighth child, his own nephew, can you believe that? I can't believe I came up with that." he laughs.

"Anyway, Kans will not be very happy. He will throw my dear parents into the dungeons. There my mother will give birth to six children, all to be killed ruthlessly by Kans" his smile falls and he adopts a solemn expression. "The seventh child shall be Sheshnaga reincarnated as my elder brother Balram. Maya, your job is to transfer that child from my mother's womb to Vasudev's other wife, Rohini's womb, where he shall take birth, safe from Kans" Devi Maya nods in acknowledgement.

"I will inform Devaki and Vasudev that their troubles will soon be over after I take the form of Krishna and take birth." Lord Vishnu says. "Now this part is very important. Maya, you will be born the same time as me in the village of Gokul to Nand and Yashoda. With my divine intervention, Vasudev will be able to take Krishna from the dungeon to Gokul. There, he will meet Nand and swap the two children."

"You will go with Vasudev back to the dungeon and they will present you as the eighth child. Kans will advance to murder you as well, but you shall transform back into your divine state and warn him of his death. Then you shall return back to heaven."

"Yes, Dev." Maya replies. "Is that all?"

"No, not all. A few years later, after I slay Kans, you will be born again in the form of Rohini and Vasudev's child. We shall be half siblings, how exciting!" Lord Vishnu claps his hands in glee as Lord Shiva rolls his eyes. "You will be born as Subhadra, my half-sister. You will be wife to the son born from the divine interventions of Lord Indra, and mother to-"

"You called for me, Lord?" Lord Chandra appears.

"Yes, I did. Devi Maya will incarnate as the mother to your son Varchas, Chandra. Varchas shall incarnate as well."

"I am deeply sorry, my son can't incarnate, Lord." everyone's brows furrow in confusion. "Varchas is too dear to me."

"You needn't worry about that," Lord Vishnu sighs. "Varchas will not be away too long." Lord Chandra nods. "Then its sorted."

"Hold on," Devi Parvati says, "I will offer some of my divine weapons to Devi Maya, to help her in fulfilling this role." She embellishes her weapons to Devi Maya, who accepts them graciously.

"Chop chop, everyone! Time to incarnate!" Lord Vishnu says excitedly. 

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